Shorthand used in this context: MN=Mozilla Network; LPG=License Plate Gallery; LAWY=Lost A Whole Year. Not all updates are listed.
1-7-2018: Pre-December posts split off to archive page.
10-30-2017: Nav buttons on front page shuffled.
9-10-2017: Front page revamped. Links moved to Site Map. LPG: The Ontario Project debuts.
4-5-2017: LPG: Light truck sticker colors added; other updates.
10-9-2016: LPG: 1985, equality, sticker color updates.
8-14-2016: LPG: 1985 (many new plates added).
6-26-2016: "The State of..." given a thorough update; 2015 and earlier updates moved to archive pages.
3-6-2016+: LPG: 1985, equality edits.
1-17-2016: LPG: 1985, equality, flat page, sticker color edits.
12-24-2015: LPG: 1985 run.
10-27-2015: LPG: 1985 run, sticker colors.
8-12-2015: LPG: Marriage Equality & 1985 runs; trade list.
8-1-2015: LPG: 1985 run; staggering; trade list.
7-26-2015: LPG: Marriage Equality & 1985 runs; trade list.
7-9-2015: Astral Log link disclosed on main page.
7-6-2015: LPG: Marriage Equality & 1985 runs
6-26-2015: "The State of..." LPG: Sticker Colors & Secrets of Staggered Registration
2-2-2015: "The State of..."
1-21-2015: FAQ updated.
12-12-2014: LPG: 1985 page, Sticker Colors, Month Coding updated.
11-17-2014: LPG: Oregon pages updated, Secrets of Staggered Registrations parts 4 & 5 added.
11-2-2014: LPG: Secrets of Staggered Registration updated.
10-14-2014: LPG: 1985 page updated.
10-14-2014: LPG: Secrets of Staggered Registration added.
10-14-2014: LPG: Flats. Since "The State of..." is being updated so often, it will now be regarded as separate from the scope of this page.
10-3-2014+: LPG: Sticker colors. "The State of..."
9-28-2014: LPG: Tips for Cleaning and Spiffing Up Plates added.
9-21-2014: LPG: Marriage Equality Run added. Trade List, 1985, index pages updated.
8-26-2014+: "The State of..."
8-18-2014: Computers page updated. MN: "Wrestling with Firefox" added; FAQ updated.
7-27-2014+: LPG trade list, "The State of..."
6-11-2014+: "The State of..."
6-9-2014: Style change to sans-serif fonts.
5-19-2014: "The State of..."
5-13-2014: "The State of..." and LPG Sticker Colors updated.
3-25-2014: MN front page.
1-2-2014 - 3-24-2014: "The State of..."
1-1-2014: LPG: Sticker Colors updated/reconfigured.
11-18-2013: MN Visual Browser History updated. (Just minor editing, but the first since 2008...)
11-13-2013: "The State of..." and MN front page updated.
11-5-2013: LPG: Wisconsin Pages and collection pages updated.
10-19-2013: LPG: Motorcycles added to sticker colors.
8-31-2013: "The State of..."
7-2-2013: Month stickers, The State of.
6-28-2013: Ditto!
6-27-2013: "The State of..." updated.
6-25-2013: LPG: Sticker Colors, Part 4: Month stickers added.
6-16-2013: LPG: Sticker Colors, Part 1: The Origin of Stickers added.
6-15-2013: LPG: Sticker Colors 1972-1992 added.
6-5-2013: "The State of Marriage Equality Nationwide" added. Links, CD Collection, LPG Sticker Colors updated.
2-24-2013: "And in the latest from the War on Women..." added.
1-6-2013: LPG: Sticker colors updated.
12-25-2012: Links and Computers pages updated.
12-23-2012: LPG: Wisconsin Pages updated. Quick updates to FAQ, index page.
7-5-2012: LPG: Post-convention update.
6-22-2012: LPG: Wis. Prototypes, Anomalies, and Fun Stuff added.
6-21-2012: LPG: Wisconsin Pages updated.
5-29-2012: Thoughts on Religion, Atheism, and Deconversion published.
4-12-2012: LPG: Wisconsin extremes updated.
4-8-2012: LPG: Wisconsin Pages updated.
2-17-2012: LPG: Oregon passenger and non-passenger pages revised.
1-7-2012: LPG: Wisconsin Pages and sticker colors updated (as usual).
12-12-2011: "Domestic car VIN conventions" added to AT Auto Pages.
12-9-2011: LPG: "Understanding Insert Truck and Trailer Plates" page and data tables added.
12-8-2011: New graphics and gradients throughout the site. I thought a little change would be good. :)
The AT Auto Pages go live with 732 pages and 348 images. "General Information" pages updated. LPG: Wisconsin, Oregon, 1985, trade list pages updated. Plus more.
9-17-2011: Added a "Digging Deeper" page on Kohl's arch-roof food stores.
9-7-2011: LPG: Wisconsin pages updated; new photos.
9-7-2011: Two new "Digging Deeper" pages published. LPG: Gallery pages updated.
6-18-2011: LPG: Wisconsin, Oregon updates.
5-28-2011: Resume updated.
5-25-2011: Radio Aircheck clips compressed to cut down on storage space.
5-17-2011: Resume updated.
2-27-2011: LPG: Wisconsin, Oregon, and sticker color sections revised. Data table icons and new banner graphic added to Wis index. FAQ, resumé revised.
1-15-2011: West Virginia and Virginia Radio Airchecks page added.
1-5-2011: Updated Résumé.
11-28-2010: Route markers, 2009 MUTCD signs added to Field Guide to American Traffic Signs. LPG: Wisconsin content updated; "Extremes" page added.
10-31-2010: New section, Field Guide to American Traffic Signs, goes live! (Just in time for Halloween...) Minor updates to FAQ.
10-29-2010: Front page links rearranged slightly. Very minor updates.
10-24-2010: LPG: Wisconsin, Oregon updates.
10-10-2010: Personal Résumé added. Updates to FAQ, Computers, MN front page.
9-27-2010: LPG: Page updates. Trade list converted to graphics. Confirmed motorcycle serial ranges added to Wisconsin pages, and Light Truck for Hire classification sorted out.
9-10-2010: LPG: "March of the Flats" added; most pages revised.
7-30-2010: LPG: Wisconsin pages, sticker colors revised. Oregon non-passenger page restored.
12-14-2009: LPG: Almost every Wisconsin page revised yet again; with new pictures and data. A few other tweaks here and there...
12-14-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised with contributions from Sal Dodd; serial range tables added for light truck and pre-1946 passenger plates.
12-13-2009: New look! New blue/orange gradients and modified style sheet. Front page links rearranged and some content withdrawn. Many updates to other pages; including FAQ, MN (Thunderbird 2.0 released) and LPG (WV run, 1985 run, sticker colors). Serial range tables added to LPG Wisconsin pages.
11-26-2009: LPG: Wisconsin, 1985 run pages revised.
11-16-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised.
10-30-2009: MN: SeaMonkey 2.0 acknowledgement added.
9-24-2009: LPG: "Gallery" page updated, thumnailed, and renamed "Potpourri."
9-20-2009: LPG: Ditto. MN: SeaMonkey 1.1.18 bug noted on front page.
9-15-2009: LPG: Ditto.
9-7-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised.
8-31-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised. MN: Software version rounddown changed to reference major versions only.
8-22-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised; codes added.
8-21-2009: LAWY: Discography, FAQ, other pages revised for the advent of Ursa Major.
8-15-2009: LAWY: Placeholder page added for Ursa Major.
8-13-2009: LAWY: News & Graduate promo scan added. LPG: Wisconsin pages revised.
8-6-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised; "Stickers" and "Color Guide" pages added. MN finally revised to acknowledge the existence of Firefox 3.5. (Since they kept breaking, I also reluctantly removed the "previous version" links.)
8-2-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised.
7-27-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised.
7-17-2009: LAWY: News and minor FAQ update. (Ooh, I love this.)
7-13-2009: LAWY: News update.
7-6-2009: LAWY: News and promo scan added. LPG: Wisconsin, 1985, trade list pages revised. MN: Version numbers incremented.
7-1-2009: LPG: Wisconsin pages revised, post-convention.
6-30-2009: LAWY: Writing updates.
6-29-2009: LAWY: Crystal Baller single added. LPG: Trade list, 1985 pages updated.
6-21-2009: LAWY: Very minor updates. LPG: Wisconsin pages revised.
6-20-2009: LAWY: Very minor updates.
6-18-2009: LAWY: FAQ, glossary, odds & ends sections all go live. "Music" pages retitled "Discography" and updated. Lost A Whole Year finally rises above mediocrity!
6-9-2009: LAWY: Front page updates.
6-8-2009: LAWY: Writing updates.
6-5-2009: LAWY: "Writings" section unveiled; discography pages updated; selected singles added.
6-4-2009: LAWY: News and writing posted; links updated. Getting revved up for more additions at last...
5-31-2009: LPG: WV run page renamed and updated.
5-30-2009: LPG: The Wisconsin Pages go live.
5-27-2009: LPG: Oregon content updated and scaled back a bit to leave room for upcoming Wisconsin project.
5-26-2009: LPG: 1985 run updated. PHP "showcase" rotation added. Sticker colors revised. MN: Software version update.
5-25-2009: LPG revived. Idle Pen completely overhauled into PolkaDot. "Welcome" graphic shrunken down on front page; with a bit of added PHP sneaked in here and there.
5-12-2009: A bit of link tidying on the front page, as more substantial updates wait...
4-19-2009: LPG: 1985 run and want/trade list pages updated. MN: Belated software release updates.
4-1-2009: Older entries split off from Web Journal.
3-23-2009: MN: New software releases.
3-11-2009: Web Journal archive pages also converted to PHP; a few middling bugs squashed. MN: New software release.
3-9-2009: Web Journal partially converted from static pages to PolkaDot.
2-22-2009: Computer page updated.
2-11-2009: Opera links added. (Yay! No more layout breaking!)
2-9-2009: MN: New software release.
1-13-2009: Geffen page updated. LPG: 1985 run and West Virginia (76 passenger) page updated.
12-31-2008: Older entries split off from Web Journal. MN: New software release.
12-19-2008: Flickr link added on index page. MN: New software release.
12-17-2008: MN: New software releases.
12-14-2008: Links and Geffen page updated; sidebar Rate Your Music link restored on Web Journal.
11-29-2008: MN: New software release. Web Journal: Sidebar election map removed.
11-14-2008: MN: New software releases.
10-7-2008: LPG: Plates on "Gallery" page added and shuffled a bit. LAWY: News update.
10-2-2008: Older entries split off from Web Journal.
9-27-2008: MN: New software releases.
9-25-2008: Links page updated.
9-8-2008: Cassette Tape Gallery; links to television pages withdrawn from index page.
8-27-2008: LPG: Small updates to showcase, bio, etc.
8-18-2008: Links page updated.
8-7-2008: LPG: New entry to "The Idle Pen."
8-6-2008: Removed link (I refuse to style it as "Delicious") from index page. LPG: Note added to trade list.
7-31-2008: Concord College Promotional Literature Archive added.
7-30-2008: FAQ, Computers, MN updated. Banners removed.
7-9-2008: Normal versions of most pages restored. (Hopefully they won't blow up in my face.)
7-6-2008: "Low bandwidth" versions of several pages substituted out of necessity.
7-4-2008: Older entries split off from Web Journal. FAQ updated. MN: New software releases. LPG: Sticker colors updated, new 1985 plates added.
6-30-2008: Link added to Web Journal.
6-21-2008: Geffen page updated; SeaMonkey button added to Web Journal.
6-18-2008: Banner ads added (Oh, what the heck?).
6-17-2008: Mozilla Firefox 3.0 released! MN updated accordingly.
6-16-2008: Links page updated. LPG: Updated and changed layout on WV non-passenger page, updated WV highs; trade list disclaimer added; new entry to "The Idle Pen;" comment forms added to all entries.
6-6-2008: Updated Microman page, adding information on various versions and finally completing the game.
5-28-2008: Recommended links shuffled on Web Journal.
5-24-2008: LAWY: Page titles transposed and byline added.
5-22-2008: "Quick Navigation" buttons rearranged on index page. Web Journal: POP3 e-mail instructions updated, Out Campaign link added. MN: New software release. Links to old download archive pages removed.
5-13-2008: LAWY: News update. Graphic removed from front page header. New link added; a rant of sorts added as well.
5-8-2008: "Most Annoying Fonts" rant folded back into Web Journal.
4-20-2008: MN: Notations of browser development status added to "Mozilla Derivatives" page.
4-19-2008: MN: New software release.
4-16-2008: LPG: "West Virginia License Plate Highs, 1976-date" page added. "Features" hierarchy on front page slightly reorganized; Gallery updated; navigation between WV and Oregon pages improved.
4-14-2008: LPG: Images added and thumbnailed on 1985 and West Virginia run pages. Many plate scans resized. "Showcase" updated. New entry to "The Idle Pen."
4-2-2008: Pre-March '08 entries split off from Web Journal.
3-31-2008: LPG: New entry added to "The Idle Pen."
3-28-2008: MN: Mozilla Derivatives page updated with current version numbers. Visual Browser History revised, with text broken into paragraphs for easier reading.
3-27-2008: MN extensively revised at long last. Gecko Version Cross-Reference Chart added. Q&A updated. Left-side panel with navigation links and buttons added; new software releases.
3-11-2008: Blurb added to Web Journal. MN: New software release.
2-27-2008: link added on index page.
2-12-2008: LPG: Oregon Passenger Variations page updated, and "Part 2: Vendor Switches and Further Questions" page added with even more information. (Thanks, Joe!) MN: New software releases.
1-30-2008: Added linked RSS news feed to Web Journal. (Yes, it's hosted on another site, but it'll do the job until I learn server-side technologies...)
1-28-2008: Fifth-anniversary banner removed. Links page updated; more links to Web Journal sprinkled around the site.
1-9-2008: LPG: "Personalize This!" write-up added. MN: Software release rundown updated.
1-8-2008: Pre-December '07 entries split off from Web Journal. LPG: Sticker color page updated.
12-14-2007: LAWY: Link added.
12-3-2007: "Celebrating five years online" banner added. Link added on Web Journal. MN: New software releases.
11-28-2007: Link added on Web Journal. FAQ updated.
11-27-2007: MN: New software release.
11-15-2007: Contributed summaries for episodes 142-189 added to the Electric Company page. MN: New software release.
11-14-2007: LAWY: News update.
11-11-2007: Contributed summaries for episodes 23-128 added to the Electric Company page.
11-9-2007: Five new episode summaries added to the Electric Company page. (Thanks, Brian!) LPG: Added ALPCA logo on front page.
11-6-2007: Links "to Miscellaneous Resources" updated with three new additions. Geffen Records discography updated for the first time in years. MN: New software releases. LPG: Showcase thumbnails changed; tweaks and corrections made to sticker color page.
10-25-2007: Lost A Whole Year: Graphic added to front page. Added credits to links page when applicable.
10-22-2007: MN: New software releases.
10-8-2007: "Technology Talk" closed out, with the articles it contained folded back into or linked from the Web Journal. Clean-up of in-site URLs pointing to the old domain. Links page updated.
10-3-2007: License Plate Gallery: Barboursville meet write-up added; West Virginia Map page split in two. Plates added; various pages updated.
10-1-2007: Pre-September entries split off from Web Journal.
9-24-2007: MN: Q&A updated; new software release. Firefox download link added on Mozilla Network front page. In non-browser matters, I finally gave the "College" page a slight update on the state of affairs.
9-7-2007: Math Talk guide updated; new MN software releases.
8-30-2007: Episode number references added to Math Talk episode guide; license plate sticker color page updated. "HTML" headers changed to satisfy picky new W3C validator.
8-3-2007: MN: New software releases.
7-26-2007: Lost A Whole Year: Periodic verification/update for the links page. "From the Journal" link removed from Electric Company page.
7-23-2007: MN: New software releases.
7-19-2007: Pre-June entries split off from Web Journal.
7-12-2007: LPG button restored on index page. LPG: Two-part write-up of the 2007 ALPCA convention added.
7-7-2007: Minor change to LPG index; new Mozilla Thunderbird release accounted for.
7-6-2007: License Plate Gallery totally revised and updated. Index page reorganized with new left panel and "Showcase" images. "The Idle Pen" moved to a page of its own.
6-23-2007: Minor update to LPG index.
6-21-2007: FAQ updated.
6-13-2007: Second counter removed.
6-4-2007: Moved site to new server and new URL.
5-31-2007: MN: New software releases.
5-15-2007: License Plate Gallery: Want and trade list added.
5-8-2007: License Plate Gallery: Oregon Non-Passenger Variations page added.
4-30-2007: Lost A Whole Year front page updated.
4-18-2007: Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0 released! MN updated accordingly. Also: News added on Electric Company page.
4-16-2007: LPG: West Virginia run page added. "Question of the Moment" booted.
4-15-2007: LPG: New or different plates on 1985 and West Virginia pages. "Question of the Moment" fizzled.
4-9-2007: "Question of the Moment" added to index page.
4-7-2007: LPG: "A Look at Numbering" added. Also: "Link Too Far" editorial moved; more entries noted on Technology Talk page; web counter rotated.
4-3-2007: Web Journal: Earlier entries split off from front page. New show added to the Electric Company episode guide.
3-22-2007: Episode 120 finally added to the Math Talk episode guide. MN: New software releases.
3-4-2007: Netscape 1.0 page reformatted and updated slightly. LPG: "Two more Annandale, Va. meets" page added; 1985 run updated.
3-2-2007: MN: New software releases. (A lesser deal now since they don't affect live links...)
3-1-2007: LPG: Oregon Variations page added.
2-25-2007: LPG: Icons added to index. Plate Collector's Biography added. Gallery per se split to new page and substantially updated/expanded. MN: New software releases.
2-23-2007: Links page updated.
2-11-2007: LPG: Minor updates.
2-10-2007: License Plate Gallery finally updated. Many pages revised; "Michigan Madness," "1985 Birthyear Run," and "License Plate Sticker Colors" pages added.
2-9-2007: More stuff added to left panel of Web Journal.
2-5-2007: Links updated.
1-21-2007: Updated Square One TV pages, adding screen captures to the Math Talk episode guide.
1-19-2007: MN: New software release; miscellaneous updates.
1-18-2007: Lost A Whole Year: Link and front page updates.
1-16-2007: Recommended links shuffled on Web Journal.
1-14-2007: Line of fine print added to index page.
1-9-2007: MicroMan page updated and expanded. Web Journal: Pre-December entries split off; Technology Talk page updated with new links.
12-28-2006: Minor update to FAQ; CD page reformatted.
12-22-2006: "A Look at The Electric Company" updated. Twenty more episode outlines added.
12-20-2006: MN: Software release updates.
12-10-2006: Mozilla Network updated and reorganized: Link archives deprecated; "Reasons to use Mozilla Firefox" split off from Q&A; more information on Windows 95 compatibility.
11-8-2006: MN: New software releases, and information on reverting the tab bar behavior of Firefox 2 to that of earlier versions, added.
10-29-2006: Minor edits to index page.
10-24-2006: Mozilla Firefox 2.0 released! MN updated accordingly.
10-19-2006: MN: Same story as before.
10-7-2006: MN: New software release.
10-5-2006: Modest updates to pages throughout the whole site.
9-16-2006: Lost A Whole Year: Collection scans and additional information added. Updated both Links pages.
9-14-2006: MN: New software releases.
9-10-2006: Pre-September entries split off in Web Journal.
9-8-2006: Recommended links in Web Journal shuffled.
9-4-2006: MN: "Bon Echo & Firefox 2.0: Is it a step in the right direction?" page substantially updated; Q&A updated.
9-1-2006: MN: New software releases.
8-27-2006: Update to MicroMan page.
8-23-2006: Content updated throughout Lost A Whole Year: Album comments, trivia, and more scans & links added! "Extra Stuff" link removed.
8-20-2006: Linked the titles of Web Journal entries.
8-18-2006: Links page updated slightly again.
8-14-2006: Links page updated slightly.
8-11-2006: Added an extended and illustrated write-up of a trip of mine titled "Travels to the United Kingdom and Beyond." MN updated.
7-12-2006: Lost A Whole Year: Collection notes and comments added. MN: New software release.
6-27-2006: Forum deprecated for time being (although it's still available here if you want to access it).
6-22-2006: "A Look at The Electric Company" and "A Look at Square One TV" pages added. Other assorted updates: Question added to MN Q&A; Collection cover art added to "Lost A Whole Year."
6-17-2006: Finally split off pre-June entries in Web Journal.
6-2-2006: MN: New software releases. Lost A Whole Year: News; information on upcoming Collection added.
6-1-2006: Links page revised. Forum link added to MN index. Web counter rotated. New news on "Lost A Whole Year."
5-30-2006: "The Adventures of MicroMan" page added. MN: New software release.
5-19-2006: MN: "Bon Echo & Firefox 2.0: Is it a step in the right direction?" article added; minor editing. Release note links in "archive" pages updated.
5-16-2006: Page titles transposed throughout the site, so that the "Andrew Turnbull Network" reference comes at the end instead of the beginning! Lost A Whole Year: News! Miscellaneous revisions. Links page updated (again).
5-15-2006: Technology Talk and LPG: "License Plates: A Link Too Far" editorial added. Also updated POP3 e-mail instructions (again).
5-14-2006: A few minor corrections here and there. MN: New software release.
5-6-2006: Technology Talk: POP3 e-mail instructions revised.
5-2-2006: MN: New software release.
5-1-2006: MN Q&A updated; more information on browsers (or lack thereof) for Mac OS 9.2.2 and earlier.
4-29-2006: Technology Talk: Expanded the Arial article into a new editorial on "The Most Annoying Fonts."
4-27-2006: Links page substantially expanded; link added in Web Journal.
4-24-2006: Web counter(s) reinstated, since they seem to have started working again.
4-23-2006: Web counter(s) removed, since they stopped working on me. LPG tidied up; West Virginia page revised; new write-ups of Verona and Gahanna meets.
4-20-2006: Link updated in Web Journal. MN: New software releases.
4-16-2006: MN: More icons added.
4-15-2006: MN: Temporary counter added; screenshot and description changed on Derivatives page.
4-14-2006: Lots of changes: "Labs" article added to Technology Talk; others minorly revised. New links on the index page. MN: New software releases; "Mozilla Derivatives" page added!
4-5-2006: Added site to links page.
3-27-2006: LPG: Minor edits to main page and map base page.
3-25-2006: LPG: Added a lengthy if occasionally cryptic account of "West Virginia "Map" Bases, 1976-1995" if anyone's interested. Restored Journal icon to index page. MN: New software release.
3-16-2006: Updated Computers page.
3-7-2006: Minor edit on MN Q&A; added write-up of Annandale collectors' meet to License Plate Gallery.
2-21-2006: Updated Links page.
2-19-2006: MN: Netscape 6/7 screenshots added to Visual Browser History.
2-15-2006: Technology Talk: Added "The Trouble with Netscape 8;" deemphasized dates. Started to note newest acquisitions on CD Collection page.
2-5-2006: Edited Netscape 1.0 screenshot page.
2-3-2006: MN: Lots of content updates, including information on SeaMonkey.
2-2-2006: Guide to College updated.
2-1-2006: MN: New software release. (I'll add SeaMonkey references when I can...)
1-22-2006: MN: "Four-page Visual Browser History, from Netscape 4 to Mozilla Firefox" added with TONS of screenshots. License plate added to gallery; two buttons added and one removed from main index page.
1-13-2006: Additional comment added to a technology commentary.
1-11-2006: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 released! MN updated.
1-7-2006: Happy new year! Button reinstated on index page. Pre-December Web Journal entries split off.
12-29-2005: The Andrew Turnbull License Plate Gallery added, under the new "Everything Else Dept." heading.
12-24-2005: Technology Talk restructured as part of Web Journal. Miscellaneous updates throughout the site.
12-15-2005: Technology Talk: Sub-headings and another article added.
12-12-2005: Updated Computers page. Technology Talk: Another article added.
12-11-2005: Technology Talk: Article added.
12-10-2005: Andrew Turnbull's Technology Talk added.
12-9-2005: Link updated on main Links page.
12-4-2005: Added more Firefox 1.5 references; updated MN Q&A.
11-29-2005: Mozilla Firefox 1.5 released! BIG changes. Brand new header images throughout the site. "index.html" links changed to directory links. MN: Name changed slightly (from "Andrew Turnbull's Mozilla Network" to "The Andrew Turnbull Mozilla Network.") Brand new page on what's new in Firefox 1.5.
11-17-2005: MN: New software release.
11-11-2005: MN: Same stuff as last update.
11-8-2005: MN: Software release references changed.
10-19-2005: Edited browser "tree" graphic in Q&A.
10-11-2005: Description added to title. Lost A Whole Year: Links page revised.
10-9-2005: MN: New software release.
10-7-2005: MN: New software release. Q&A updated.
10-3-2005: Removed error dialogue screen shot from index page; changed spacing of product buttons.
9-30-2005: Changed image-tracker counter on index page. MN: New software release.
9-22-2005: Added previously unpublicized link to index page. MN: New software releases. Lost A Whole Year: Tiny addition to FAQ.
9-20-2005: Tweaked links pages. Slight bit of content restoration to Lost A Whole Year.
9-19-2005: Updated information on Sir Andrew Turnbull; revised FAQ. MN: Information on Firefox 1.5 beta 1 added to "A Look at Deer Park and Beyond." Q&A updated, with information on customizing the appearance of menus added.
9-9-2005: Lost A Whole Year: New thumbnails for "The Music" gallery. Discographies expanded. Lots of new album cover scans! MN: New software releases.
9-7-2005: A few of the links on the general Links page revised.
9-2-2005: Lost A Whole Year: Scrounged up a few additions to Links section; trimmed off old updates from list on index page. Last three months' Web Journal entries split to new page. Small formatting edit and last guestbook reference removed from index page.
8-23-2005: Updates to Lost A Whole Year.
8-17-2005: Web Journal: Links to other weblogs (temporarily) removed.
8-12-2005: MN: Belated "new" software release.
8-11-2005: Slight edits on browser wars essay. MN: Updated information on Mozilla Store; minor changes.
8-7-2005: MN: Added a tiny bit more technical info on running Firefox on Windows 95.
7-31-2005: Revised "The Computers." MN: New software release.
7-24-2005: Updated FAQ. MN: LOTS of changes. Index page slightly rearranged with new headings; Questions and Answers rearranged and extensively updated. A few new links here and there as well. Bits of information on Deer Park Alpha 2 and Firefox 1.5 added.
7-19-2005: MN: New software releases. I promise to make some other updates as soon as I get around to it...
7-13-2005: MN: New software releases.
6-23-2005: Lost A Whole Year: Most obsolete links removed. Important question added to Site FAQ.
6-12-2005: Web Journal back entries rearranged into three pages of no more than three months each.
6-9-2005: Tweaked product buttons on index page. MN: Index page revised; new software releases. Added "A Look at Deer Park Alpha 1."
6-5-2005: Got back from vacation. Web Journal: Moved March entries to "archive" page.
5-21-2005: Added a (temporary) line of text on index and MN index pages.
5-16-2005: Added/resurrected AT Forums.
5-13-2005: MN: New software release. (A little late, I know)
4-30-2005: Very slight cleaning up of LAWY "log of site updates" as well as a few links on the main site's index page.
4-27-2005: Link added.
4-24-2005: Added "A Look Back at the Browser Wars," an essay I decided to type up in my free time.
4-17-2005: Lost A Whole Year, a Third Eye Blind site of mine formerly hosted on GeoCities, has been resurrected here! I also restored a link to the old cassette-tape page.
4-16-2005: MN: New software release.
4-15-2005: MN: New software release.
4-10-2005: Very small edits to FAQ. Web Journal: Moved February 2005 entries to archive page.
4-3-2005: Icon and link to Web Journal added to left panel on index page.
3-30-2005: Guestbook removed. "Entries from the old guestbooks" page added.
3-23-2005: MN: New software release.
3-22-2005: MN: New software release.
3-21-2005: MN: New software release. Release candidates removed from Archive pages.
3-20-2005: MN: Revamp of index and Q&A: Questions are rearranged and now grouped on index page by what they pertain to; statement on future of suite added; Mozilla on "classic" Mac OS info moved to Q&A. Miscellaneous updates to content.
3-15-2005: Added another outside link to the Web Journal, and sorted them alphabetically by title. Obviously, content is added to the Web Journal itself all the time without necessarily being reflected here.
3-13-2005: Web Journal: Added a new CSS div class to mark certain quotations and updates.
3-4-2005: Web Journal: Just added another link to the Archives page at the bottom.
2-28-2005: Web Journal: Entries more than a month old have been moved to the new Archives page.
2-26-2005: MN: ANOTHER new software release.
2-24-2005: MN: New software release.
2-21-2005: Small additions to FAQ and Links pages.
2-20-2005: A few links updated. Web Journal: "Read or add a comment" link text changed again, this time to just "Add a comment." MN: Small Thunderbird icon added within Q&A.
2-18-2005: Web Journal: "Comments" link text changed to read "Read or add a comment . . ." for clarity. "Biographical" text added to left panel. "(Not-so-)Famous Quote of the Moment" added.
2-5-2005: MN: Added mention of the "Windows 98 icon fix" icon pack for Mozilla Firefox to Q&A section.
2-1-2005: Web Journal: Commenting feature added, courtesy of HaloScan.
1-16-2005: Added <A NAME=...
code to Web Journal to allow linking to individual entries.
1-13-2005: MN: Corrected URL of "contact" link in footers of pages.
1-12-2005: MN: New software release.
1-9-2005: MN: Added a couple of elusive 1.0.1 release candidates to and changed a few stated file sizes on the Moz app-suite archive page.
1-8-2005: "Width" and "Height" attributes specified for most images, lest they otherwise wreck the layout of a page.
1-7-2005: Link on Web Journal updated.
12-31-2004: Extensive coding changes; more extensive use of CSS; deprecated markup eliminated; most pages converted to strict XHTML 1.0 markup. Sidebar tab option removed (again). A few minor content changes.
12-20-2004: Updated Links page.
12-17-2004: MN: New software release. Also some minor CSS changes.
12-14-2004: Added important update to Computers page. MN: Very small change to index page.
12-11-2004: New "Mozilla Network" title graphic.
12-9-2004: MN: Added individual "More..." links for most versions on Mozilla app-suite archive page.
12-8-2004: MN: Fixed some incorrect links; increased precision of stated file sizes; no other changes.
12-7-2004: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 released! MN: Added complete Mozilla Thunderbird archive; rearranged index page; updated Q&A.
12-6-2004: Changed affiliate button on index page and Journal.
12-4-2004: Finalized the name of the aforementioned log: "The Andrew Turnbull Web Journal," and added a couple of links on that page. Very small changes to proper Links page.
12-3-2004: Added a web log. Recoded front page to use CSS divs instead of tables for most of its content.
11-25-2004: Just a single link updated.
11-23-2004: Major updates to the FAQ and MN Q&A; new software release.
11-10-2004: Infinitesimal changes.
11-9-2004: Mozilla Firefox 1.0 released! Appropriate updates added. Removed page on the spammer by request of the residence hall coordinator. (I received a signed apology in writing, so let's put that episode in the past.)
11-7-2004: Added content to FAQ. Removed warning from index page, and added page on the spammer who recently wreaked havoc upon the Guestbook.
11-4-2004: Added warning on index page. MN: New software release.
10-27-2004: MN: New software release.
10-2-2004: MN: New software release.
9-29-2004: MN: New Mozilla alpha release.
9-19-2004: Added photos to Computers page. Withdrew "Fallout Shelters as an aspect..." pages, for reasons of my own. Tweaked product buttons on index page. MN: Updated Q&A; added Notes on terminology to Archive pages.
9-14-2004: MN: New Mozilla and Firefox releases.
9-12-2004: Links page revised. Navigation images changed on index page and sidebar. MN: New Firefox release added; front page revised.
9-8-2004: MN: Revised links.
9-2-2004: Tiny correction to something I overlooked earlier.
9-1-2004: Removed a couple of sentences no longer needed.
8-28-2004: I have made extensive changes to the appearance of the website, primarily within the style sheet. The austere black background my site has used for nearly two years has been replaced with an inverted scheme of lighter, more contemporary colors. This was done to address readability and design concerns, not to mention that I finally tired of the site's old look. I also made content updates to quite a few pages throughout the site, particularly the FAQ.
8-25-2004: Subtle updates to FAQ, Links and College pages. Changed the first font called upon in CSS. MN: Fixed broken links.
8-18-2004: MN: Added Netscape 7.2 and Mozilla 1.8 Alpha 3 download links. Updated Q&A to reflect Netscape 7.2.
8-17-2004: Changed button and removed some JavaScript on index page.
8-7-2004: Mozilla Network: Added two entries plus several screenshot details to Mozilla Q&A, and improved navigation to and from Archive pages. Removed unused or forgotten computers from "Computers" section. Changed site navigation graphics. A few minor formatting changes.
8-4-2004: Updated FAQ. Mozilla 1.7.2 and Firefox 0.9.3 released. (What have I gotten myself into?)
7-30-2004 (later): Changed Links page, due to a peculiar occurrence occuring about three days after I last updated the page. Full story later. Also revised FAQ.
7-30-2004: Updated Mozilla Network.
7-27-2004: Updated Links section.
7-25-2004: Fixed a few broken links in the Mozilla and Firefox archives.
7-23-2004: Another massive addition of information to the Q&A section of the Mozilla Network, including the answer to the question of "Why should I use Mozilla or Mozilla Firefox?" Updated the archives. Removed "beta" status from section.
7-6-2004: Moved the Mozilla Network in its own directory.
Inaugurated the second beta of this particular section by adding
the first batch of "Questions and Answers."
Added reference to Firefox 0.9.1.
6-28-2004: After a month of work, a 'Beta version' of a
completely new section, "Andrew Turnbull's Mozilla Network," has been
added, with complete download links. References to section added to
index page and sidebar. "Boring Technical Information Dept." renamed
"Computing & Technology Dept."
5-27-2004: Added 16 "new" titles to the Cassette Tape Gallery.
5-26-2004: Updated product buttons on index page. Layout tweaks on a few pages. More coming soon!
4-29-2004: Made a few changes to the formatting of the cassette-tape pages to match other pages. Tiny changes on "Computers" page. Added navigation buttons to bottom of "Links" page. Completely rid the site of clickable (spammable) e-mail addresses. Rearranged image trackers on index page.
4-25-2004: Abbreviated sidebar tab title and removed dead link from index page.
4-21-2004: BIG changes: New images with red "Andrew Turnbull" typewriter lettering replace the five-month-old yellow lettering. Content updates to "College" page. More intensive use of Cascading Style Sheets for formatting. Fav-icon changed. Tweaks to vast majority of pages.
4-13-2004: Minor tweaks to index page.
4-7-2004: Removed Bravenet counter, which I found to be terribly unreliable. Added Extreme Counter script. Added link to site of dubious quality in Links section.
3-28-2004: Added another counter script, from Bravenet.
3-22-2004: Updated every "General Information" page to reflect the way things are now. Removed endorsement of Jacob Brezinski for WVU BOG from index page (He won, by the way). (Hopefully) fixed Nedstat counter code, which had went unresponsive around March first.
2-22-2004: Mostly minor changes. Changed a sentence or two on index page, and corrected my identification of the shapes on the Genesis album cover.
2-18-2004: Added information specifying that I am not Cabinet Secretary or Head of Civil Service.
2-8-2004: Just a small tidying up of the Nedstat counter code on the index page.
2-6-2004: Added "Bombs Away: Fallout Shelters as an Aspect of Civil Defense During the Cold War" pages.
2-3-2004: Changed one word on the index page.
2-1-2004: Although it doesn't look too different, every page on this site has
seen dramatic coding changes. I have adopted Cascading Style Sheets for
formatting information, and I have weeded out errors so that I
have completely valid 4.01 HTML at long last!
1-27-2004: Small shuffling of the links.
1-7-2004: A number of cassette reviews updated. Links page shuffled a bit. Changes and updates to Computers and College pages, plus FAQ.
1-1-2004: Links page expanded. "DOCTYPE" statements added to all pages.
12-21-2003: Visual BASIC and Geffen pages tweaked. VB Source code put up for free download.
12-20-2003: Tidied up the site: Dead link fixed, minor update, and so forth.
12-10-2003: More buttons added.
12-1-2003: Small updates throughout.
11-18-2003: Last remaining issues with the site resolved.
11-17-2003: Kinks in the new page worked out. Took pages down from GeoCities. Removed Concord College pages (to cram the rest into my 3072 kb of precious space). (As of late 2004, space allocations for students have since been increased to 10MB, an extremely generous amount). Reinstated sidebar tab option! Changed e-mail address. Whew.
11-16-2003: BIG changes: I finally decided to give Geocities the boot and moved to here at the University. The site is on a real server for once. Don't forget to update your bookmarks. A few content changes added as well.
11-15-2003: Decided to add a Nedstat counter. See that little icon at the very bottom of the index page? Click on it and check it out!
11-9-2003: Big Changes: Site given a completely new look, with apologies to Peter Gabriel. (I was tired of green and red.) Concerts page removed for time being; minor updates. Sidebar tab option also removed, since it didn't seem to be working right. Que lastima.
10-24-2003: Link in Visual BASIC page fixed.
10-23-2003: Visual BASIC programming and software page added.
10-18-2003: Tweaked the FAQ again.
9-28-2003: Added several dozen more records. The Geffen page is now almost satisfactory.
9-21-2003: Added several dozen more records to the Geffen discography.
9-19-2003: Very minor update to FAQ.
9-13-2003: Added Geffen Records discography. Also added "Arts & Entertainment Dept." to index page and periodic updates.
8-30-2003: Added sidebar tab for users of Netscape 6/7 and Mozilla.
8-27-2003: Guide to College page added. "Special Exhibit Dept." pages linked together for easy navigation. More updates.
8-24-2003: Updates for the sake of updating.
8-19-2003: Concerts page added.
8-13-2003: Updates to FAQ and Computers pages.
8-9-2003: FAQ page updated, primarily to add statistics.
8-7-2003: Minor tweaks to Computers page.
8-2-2003: Updates to Computers page. Minor adjustments to index
page. This site is now being maintained with Windows 95 for the first
time since January, FYI.
7-29-2003: Additional button added to index page. FAQ page changed; pictures shuffled around. A minor typo or two corrected.
7-28-2003: Cassette Tape Gallery added, as is the "Sick Joke Dept." on the index page. The Windows 95 error-dialog page is already gone.
7-11-2003: Detail changes for the FAQ page for the time being.
7-7-2003: After way too long, I finally updated the site. Index page completely overhauled; other pages given extensive tweaks to look good with Mozilla/Netscape 7. Links page expanded and simplified.
5-29-2003: Closed forum. Minor changes and updates.
4-15-2003: Changes to Netscape 1.0 and index pages; the latter now has convenient buttons.
4-2-2003: Long (?) awaited Message Forums added!
3-26-2003: Very small changes.
3-23-2003: Small change to links page.
3-21-2003: META tags, more navigation buttons, and various tweaks added to Concord College pages
as well. Small changes; issues addressed throughout site.
3-19-2003: Site renamed "The Andrew Turnbull Network".
Index page extensively tweaked. Navigation buttons
and META tags added to most pages. Headers on most pages tweaked. Hope you like the new look.
3-10-2003: "The Computers" and "Links" sections added. Index
page rearranged and links divided into departmental headings.
3-3-2003: More annoying JavaScript added. Link added in FAQ.
3-2-2003: Small maintenance changes. Added a little JavaScript to index page.
2-28-2003: Netscape screen shots thumbnailed; other changes. Small tweaks to index page.
2-24-2003: Netscape Navigator 1.0 screen shots added.
2-21-2003: Added META tags to index page. Maintenance update.
2-4-2003: Bugs in the Windows 95 page eliminated (I hope).
Other, very small changes.
2-1-2003: Windows 95 page added.
GeoCities advertising crud added to index page. Smart-aleck alternate
text added here and there to images on the Concord College pages.
Other, minor changes.
1-31-2003: If you can really believe it, for reasons of my own I uninstalled
Windows 95 and went back to 3.1. A slight change to
the index page was required. A few other really small changes were done.
1-28-2003: Believe it or not, I have actually, finally upgraded to
Windows 95. Therefore, a slight change to the index page was required.
1-17-2003: Tiny improvements for Concord College pages.
1-10-2003: Major changes to Concord College pages: Table of contents
added, typos fixed, format changes, navigation improved. Elseware,
little bits and pieces added; "HTM" extentions changed to "HTML" for consistency.
1-7-2003: The Concord College information booklet, circa 1990,
was an actual publication I had on hand. Last summer, I had the opportunity to do a little
scanning and typing, so I converted the thing to HTML. Now, I finally
put it online. Enjoy!
12-28-2002: Added counter and guestbook, rearranged index page; other little bitty changes.
12-24-2002: "What's New" (this section) and FAQ added.
12-23-2002: What was once just an HTML document moves to the realm of the World Wide Web. About time.