
Distrito Federal          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 AA 999 SZ 330,832  
    1001LT 2152LT 1,152 Unstacked overflow series.
  1968-69 101 AB 743 QV 392,607  
  1970-71 AAA-01 JWS-61 463,777  
  1972-73 100-AAA 180-BGY 619,281  
  1974-75 100 AAA 805 BSJ 794,506  
  1976-77 100 AAA 468 CBN 984,069  
  1978-79 100 AAA 307 CJL 1,127,008  
  1980-81 100 AAA 815 CRH 1,249,016  
  1982-83 100 AAA 869 CSX 1,281,470  
  1984-85 100 AAA 569 DHX 1,591,670  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    100 AAA 270 EWJ 2,305,071 Thin linear dies on most; thick curved dies on 744 BAX - 721 BEH, 992 DMV, 935 DVX - end.
  1992 base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Painted border 150 FDM 777 JDC 1,420,828  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR 524 JGB 639 KGB 476,216  
  Type 3: No border, 99 dated 732 KGS 147 KTP 204,616  
  Type 4: No border, undated 191 KUR 537 LVS 498,047  
  2002 Angel of Independence base (green/tan)        
  Type 1: Long barcode encoding VIN 165-LWF 377-TPJ 2,735,313  
  Type 2: Short barcode encoding plate number 941-TSS 155-VSV 954,115  
  2008 Plain DF base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Banners at top graphic, wide spacing 575-VSV 397-YVB 1,474,923  
  Type 2: Ghosted background graphic, wide spacing 951-YVX 999-ZZZ 560,749  
  Type 2a A01-AAA Y78-AJK 441,618  
  2016 Plain CDMX base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Black/pink "CDMX" at top, narrow spacing B52-AJP M85-ALP 105,766  
  Type 2: Black/pink "CDMX" at top, wide spacing, different corner graphic arrangement H33-ALT M78-BDJ 820,162  
  Type 3: Green "X" logo at top, wide spacing C19-BEA C52-BMK 387,124  
  Type 4: Green "X" logo at top, narrow spacing M22-BMZ Y96-BNG 17,004  
  Distrito Federal formally became Ciudad de México on 29 Jan 2016.        
  In A01-AAA format, all letters confirmed in prefix position except IOQ.        
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 YA 813 YA 713  
  1968-69 AB 101 AJ 596 7,688  
  1970-71 10-AJD 21-ANR 9,282  
  1972-73 AAA-001 AAM-591 11,580  
  1974-75 AAA 001 AAN 415 12,403  
  1976-77 AAA 001 AAS 301 15,286  
  1978-79 AAA 001 AAW 981 19,962  
  1980-81 AAA 001 AAV 897 18,879  
  1982-83 AAA 001 ABK 401 32,369  
  1984-85 AAA 001 ABS 207 38,169  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    AAA 001 ABP 071 36,035  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) AAA 1000 AFZ 9999 1,242,000  
    AAA 1000 AAU 8320 160,321  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/light blue)        
  Type 1: Light hillside ABB 4908 ABC 6737 10,830  
  Type 2: Dark hillside, outlined letters ABE 7553 ABX 1108 137,556  
  Type 3: Dark hillside, non-outlined letters (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 4: No logo LL or fine-print caption. ABX 2989 ABX 2989 1  
  2005 Blue stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Undated ACC-52-51 ACW-63-23 154,073 Stickers: 2008 white/orange or red, 2009 white/blue, 2010 black/white, 2011 black/white.
  Type 2: 2005-2007 dated ADB-74-54 ADY-32-04 175,751 Type 1 may have actually been issued after Type 2.
  2012 Red stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Barcode in blue box AEA-25-07 AFF-54-54 254,948  
  Type 2: No box AFF-58-85 AFT-63-29 99,445 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Blue gradient at bottom base (black/white)        
    AAA-001-A AFZ-999-A 137,862  
    AAA-001-B AFZ-999-B 137,862  
    AAA-001-C AEU-757-C 109,648  
  2023 El Gigante de México base (black/white)        
    AAB-001-E AKK-180-E 214,965  
Baja California          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 TA 876 VK 50,221  
  1968-69 AK 101 DR 936 77,251  
  1970-71 10-ARV 96-CJA 81,267  
  1972-73 AGA-001 ALU-074 108,965  
  1974-75 AGA 001 AGC 980 2,978 Issuance plunges after Fronteriza plates debut.
  1976-77 AGA 001 AGD 055 3,052  
  1978-79 AGA 001 AGL 276 10,266  
  1980-81 AGA 001 AGL 618 10,608  
  1982-83 AGA 001 AGY 369 21,348  
  1984-85 AGA 001 AGX 540 20,520  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    AGA 001 AHP 426 36,390  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) AGA 1000 CYZ 9999 12,834,000  
  Type 1: Painted border AGA 1000 AGD 3815 29,816  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in lower corners AGG 1265 AGK 4168 29,904 Stickers: 1999 white/red, 2000 black & green/light blue, 2001 black & tan/light blue, 2002 blue/white & grey. FEB, MAR, JUN 99 seen.
  2001 Desert landscape base (green/off-white)        
    AGL-26-59 AGP-10-00 25,342 Stickers: 2002 black & blue/grey (month sticker also seen), 2003 black & blue/blue
          Probably issued to new registrants only.
  2004 Blue arc base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Map logo at top AHA-50-15 AHM-19-93 95,979 Stickers: 2004 black & blue/grey, 2005 black & blue/white, 2006 black/red, 2007 white/blue, 2008 black/white, 2009 blue/white
  Type 2: "BC Grande por Ti" at top AHM-83-46 AHY-67-88 88,443  
  Type 3: "GobBC" at top, no box AHZ-84-95 AJB-85-67 18,073  
  Type 4: "GobBC" in blue box at top AJC-66-54 AJE-81-02 19,449  
  2010 Vineyard base (black/light blue)        
  Type 1: "GobBC" in blue box; darker background AJK-69-75 AKX-40-32 303,058 Stickers: 2010 blue/white, 2011 unknown, 2012 black/silver, 2013 white/blue, 2014 black/light blue, 2015 white/red, 2016 blue/red
  Type 2: "Baja California" in white box; lighter background AKY-16-85 ALN-59-13 130,229 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Blue stripe base (black/white)        
    AGA-001-A ANH-079-A 144,934 Stickers: 2017 purple/orange, 2018 black & blue/white, 2019 unknown
  2020 Maroon stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Stripe at bottom only ARH-710-A AWL-211-A 117,384 Stickers: 2020 black/grey, 2021+ unknown
  Type 2: Stripes top & bottom AYY-241-A BNB-284-A 301,742  
Baja California Sur          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 YF 239 YL 4,634  
  1968-69 101 ZA 891 ZI 7,983  
  1970-71 10-AAA 56-ACG 4,727  
  1972-73 DBA-001 DBH-059 7,052  
  1974-75 DBA 001 DBA 845 845 Note: Baja California Sur achieved statehood 8 Oct 1974. Issuance plunges after Fronteriza plates debut.
  1976-77 DBA 001 DBB 960 1,959  
  1978-79 DBA 001 DBA 001 1  
  1980-81 DBA 001 DBC 734 2,732  
  1982-83 DBA 001 DBA 001 1  
  1984-85 DBA 001 DBD 480 3,477  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    DBA 001 DBC 885 2,883  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) CZA 1000 DEZ 9999 1,242,000  
  Type 1: Painted border CZA 1000 CZB 7400 15,401  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in corners CZC 7492 CZD 6532 8,041  
  2003 Green letter sun base (green/white)        
    CZE-15-70 CZG-50-76 21,507  
  2006 Red letter sun base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Painted CZG-73-20 CZR-73-88 72,069  
  Type 2: Unpainted leftover plates CZS-52-18 CZT-14-58 5,241  
  2017 Blue stripe base (black/white)        
    CZU-17-64 DAD-81-07 87,344 2019 white/blue sticker; other years unclear.
  2022 Green stripe base (black/white)        
    DAF-49-94 DAJ-73-77 29,384 Series suspended without exhaustion.
    CZA-001-A CZG-352-A 6,346 Last state to switch to AAA-001-A format, in 2024.
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 YM 101 YM 1  
  1968-69 DV 101 DX 149 1,847  
  1970-71 10-DMY 10-DMY 1  
  1972-73 DGA-001 DGB-974 1,973  
  1974-75 DGA 001 DGF 028 5,023  
  1976-77 DGA 001 DGD 334 3,331  
  1978-79 DGA 001 DGK 086 9,077  
  1980-81 DGA 001 DGA 001 1  
  1982-83 DGA 001 DGM 502 11,491  
  1984-85 DGA 001 DGP 652 13,639  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    DFE 001 DGG 393 25,368  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) DFA 1000 DKZ 9999 1,035,000  
  Type 1: Plain DFA 1000 DFD 5174 31,175  
  Type 1/2   DFE 1323    
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1999 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    DFA 1000 DFD 5519 31,520 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2002 Tower base (black/light blue)        
    DFA-10-00 DFG-11-88 54,189 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2005 Tan temple base (green/tan & white)        
    DFJ-76-85 DFV-55-24 87,840  
  2008 Green temple base (black/white)        
    DGA-59-16 DGM-32-54 96,339  
  2011 Red arc base (black/white)        
    DGN-15-37 DHC-53-85 120,849  
  2014 Streetscape base (black/white)        
    DHE-48-14 DHU-75-10 119,697  
  2017 Mosaic at top base (black/white)        
    DHX-63-55 DJN-98-99 138,545  
  2020 Fort collage base (black/white)        
    DJS-24-09 DKG-19-44 125,536 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2023 Jaguar collage base (black/white)        
    DFA-001-A DKZ-999-A 114,885  
    DFA-001-B DGD-224-B 26,198  
Chiapas         Note: In Spanish, "CH" is traditionally alphabetized after "C."
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 YR 264 YS 1,063  
  1968-69 FE 101 FM 695 7,787  
  1970-71 10-EST 64-ETF 1,135  
  1972-73 DHA-001 DHH-442 7,435  
  1974-75 DHA 001 DHS 862 15,847  
  1976-77 DHA 001 DJA 172 23,149  
  1978-79 DHA 001 DHS 438 15,423  
  1980-81 DHA 001 DJF 830 28,802  
  1982-83 DHA 001 DJW 481 42,439  
  1984-85 DHA 001 DKD 370 49,321  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    DHA 001 DLL 580 79,501  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) DLA 1000 DSZ 9999 1,242,000  
  Type 1: Plain DLA 1000 DLM 4166 102,167  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR DLT 3888 DLT 3888 1  
  1999 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: No barcode DLU 6086 DLX 5362 26,277 White/green 061, 097, 101 stickers seen.
  Type 2: Barcode at left DLX 7108 DMG 6434 80,327  
  2003 La Pila fountain base (black/white)        
    DMK-17-47 DNR-35-78 253,832  
    DNV-29-14 DNX-66-44 21,731  
  2008 Orange hands base (black/white)        
    DNU-85-98 DNU-85-98 1 Discontinued after very few were issued.
  2009 Orange Mayan base (green/white)        
    DNY-56-59 DRT-50-36 368,378  
  2013 Colour rings base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Rings run behind serial DRT-87-75 DSZ-99-99 262,225 Series exhausted (confirm DSY-DSZ).
  Type 1a DLA-001-A DLK-880-A 9,871  
  Type 2: Rings broken by serial DLW-650-A DSZ-999-A 118,232  
  Type 2a DLA-001-B DLX-579-B 20,559  
  2020 Plain base (black/white)        
    DMH-932-B DSZ-999-B 106,961  
    DLA-001-C DSZ-999-C 137,862  
    DLA-001-D DSZ-999-D 137,862  
    DLA-001-E DSS-788-E 130,658  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 AA 101 AL 942 9,832  
  1968-69 FN 101 GL 999 22,475  
    FN1001 FN3259 2,259 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-EZJ 56-FNU 27,767  
  1972-73 DPA-001 DRH-280 30,250  
  1974-75 DPA 001 DRV 034 40,993  
  1976-77 DPA 001 DSA 901 46,855  
  1978-79 DPA 001 DSA 387 46,341  
  1980-81 DPA 001 DSM 325 57,268  
  1982-83 DPA 001 DTL 316 79,237  
  1984-85 DPA 001 DUK 090 100,989  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    DPA 001 DYV 601 202,399  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) DTA 1000 ETZ 9999 4,968,000  
  Type 1: Painted border DTA 1000 DUE 9617 251,618  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  Type 3: No border, barcode at top DUK 8341 DUK 8341 1  
  1999 First Raramuri runners base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Small crest LR DUN 4499 DUN 4499 1  
  Type 2: Large crest LR DUP 2775 DWV 4703 460,929  
  2003 Second Raramuri runners base (black/white)        
    DWX-19-56 DYT-65-58 382,603  
  2006 Tierra de Encuentro base (black/white)        
    DYY-10-14 EBM-60-28 536,015  
  2009 Pancho Villa base (black/white, screened map dividers)        
    EBN-75-51 EEB-31-21 517,571  
  2012 Vive base (black/white, screened map dividers)        
  Type 1: Barcode LR EEP-98-76 EHZ-84-42 700,567 Some plates have holographic sticker over first divider.
  Type 2: QR code LR EJD-38-30 EJH-27-33 34,904 Some plates lack barcode
  2016 Second Vive base (black/white)        
    EJP-28-57 EMJ-90-02 582,146  
  2017 Blue plaque base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Plate number below QR code UR EML-37-45 EMN-60-48 20,304  
  Type 2: No plate number UR EMR-28-90 EPC-70-26 310,137 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2022 Purple stripe base (turquoise/white)        
    DTA-001-A ETZ-999-A 551,448  
    DTA-001-B EJV-411-B 363,048  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 XA 866 XE 4,362  
  1968-69 DY 101 EZ 999 25,172  
    DY1001 DY2911 1,911 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-DRD 99-EDR 25,920  
  1972-73 EUA-001 EVX-600 43,557  
  1974-75 EUA 001 EWC 291 48,243  
    NUM 001 NUM 709 709 Anomaly confirmed. Possibly overflow, although regular series didn't come close to exhaustion.
    ZAA 001 ZAG 695 6,689 "
    249 ZAA 537 ZAC 2,089 Fronteriza error plates in regular format?
  1976-77 EUA 001 EWT 795 62,733  
  1978-79 EUA 001 EWU 726 63,663  
  1980-81 EUA 001 EXZ 040 90,949  
  1982-83 EUA 001 EYF 942 97,845  
  1984-85 EUA 001 EZD 816 118,698  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    EUA 001 FDJ 112 214,897  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) EUA 1000 FPZ 9999 4,140,000  
  Type 1: Plain EUA 1000 EUZ 5768 202,769  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR EVF 9429 EVG 1211 783  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Red & green logo LR EWA 2874 EWK 2359 80,486  
  Type 2: New green & yellow logo LR EWL 8744 EWN 1821 11,078  
  2001 Red stripe base (green/white)        
    EWS-99-99 EYG-27-48 325,750  
  2004 Carranza & cross base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Short barcode EYM-56-03 EZW-10-39 274,437  
  Type 2: Long barcode with number printed below EZX-37-34 FAH-68-10 93,077  
  2007 Church of Santiago Apostol base (black/pale yellow, red stripes)        
    FAN-66-34 FCU-42-64 456,631  
  2010 Cuna de la Revolución base (black/white, green stripes)        
    FCY-35-89 FFG-56-93 488,105  
  2013 Tyrannosaurus base (black/white)        
    FFJ-68-14 FJA-14-54 543,641  
  2016 Pterodactylus base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Large pterosaur, brown arc FJA-83-39 FKY-47-89 392,451  
  Type 2: Small pterosaur, brown stripe FKY-61-45 FLM-44-85 115,341  
  Type 3: As Type 2, but serial shifted down FLN-35-61 FLN-69-88 3,428  
  Type 2a FLP-45-18 FMK-89-26 175,409  
  2019 MagiCOahuila treeline base (black/white)        
    FMY-54-36 FPZ-99-99 427,564 Series exhausted.
    EVC-960-A EZG-057-A 95,002 Confirm EU series.
  2022 MagiCOahuila rainbow letter base (green/white)        
    FFY-633-A FPZ-999-A 185,182  
    EVS-234-B FPN-547-B 410,903 Confirm EU series.
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 ZA 105 ZB 904  
  1968-69 FA 101 FD 939 3,536  
  1970-71 10-ENU 83-ERM 3,674  
  1972-73 FVA-001 FVA-001 1  
  1974-75 FVA 001 FVH 502 7,495  
  1976-77 FVA 001 FVD 604 3,601  
  1978-79 FVA 001 FVK 746 9,737  
  1980-81 FVA 001 FVM 646 11,635  
  1982-83 FVA 001 FVS 592 15,577  
  1984-85 FVA 001 FVU 644 17,627  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    FVA 001 FWE 939 27,912  
    (FUH-FUZ reportedly added to allocation in 1989, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) FRA 1000 FWZ 9999 1,242,000  
  Type 1: Plain FRA 1000 FRF 9514 53,515  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR FRG 4009 FRJ 1716 15,708  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    FRK 2286 FRV 5986 84,701  
  2005 Rey Colimán base (black/white)        
    FRX-50-89 FSR-37-76 151,688  
  2010 Chevron base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Red chevron FSR-47-00 FTP-15-05 194,806  
  Type 2: Light green chevron (for corporate fleets?) FWA-10-40 FWB-14-01 9,362 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Flag base (black/white)        
    FRA-001-A FVK-521-A 101,420  
  2022 Plain base (black/white)        
    FWL-445-A FWL-445-A 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 ZD 674 ZM 7,766  
  1968-69 GM 101 GX 864 10,653  
  1970-71 10-FVJ 11-GAV 11,252  
  1972-73 FXA-001 FXN-140 12,128  
  1974-75 FXA 001 FXM 851 11,840  
  1976-77 FXA 001 FYE 082 27,055  
  1978-79 FXA 001 FYD 447 26,421  
  1980-81 FXA 001 FYT 642 39,603  
  1982-83 FXA 001 FYB 835 24,811  
  1984-85 FXA 001 FZG 308 52,256  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    FXA 001 GAY 798 90,708  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) FXA 1000 GFZ 9999 1,863,000  
  Type 1: Plain FXA 1000 FXM 1206 99,207  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR FXS 4165 FXS 4165 1  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    FXU 9699 FYN 1000 153,302  
  2003 Treeline base (black/white)        
    FYP-69-02 FZF-81-19 136,218  
  2006 Pancho Villa statue base (black/white)       (Unissued prototype design seen with #FZG-95-00)
    FZH-11-59 GAE-64-03 185,245 2007 black & red/white sticker
  2009 Rainbow letter base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Green & red logo UL GAF-30-90 GBC-63-23 183,234  
  Type 2: Blue, green, orange, & purple logo UL GBC-70-56 GCA-58-46 187,791 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Guadalupe Victoria base (blue/white)        
    FXA-001-A GFZ-999-A 206,793 2018 white/red sticker
    FXA-001-B GFZ-999-B 206,793  
    FXA-001-C FXE-598-C 4,594  
  2023 DGO. base (green/white)        
    GBB-195-C GFZ-999-C 113,692  
    FXA-001-D GAN-419-D 81,338  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 CA 101 CA 101 1  
  1968-69 GZ 101 HV 999 20,677  
    GZ1001 GZ1424 424 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-GFA 40-GVD 27,211  
  1972-73 GGA-001 GGR-339 14,325  
  1974-75 GGA 001 GHY 534 44,490  
  1976-77 GGA 001 GJG 100 52,048  
  1978-79 GGA 001 GJV 926 64,862  
  1980-81 GGA 001 GKM 259 80,179  
  1982-83 GGA 001 GLU 080 108,971  
  1984-85 GGA 001 GLG 211 98,113  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    GGA 001 GUE 001 256,744  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) GGA 1000 GYZ 9999 3,312,000  
  Type 1: Plain GGA 1000 GHG 9999 270,000  
  Type 2: Graphic added LL GHR 9056 GHU 6841 24,786  
  1998 Inverted base (white/green & blue)        
    GGA 1000 GHR 1000 333,001 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2001 Beige & purple stripe base (black/white)        
    GGA-10-00 GLP-10-00 945,001 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2008 Orange stripe base (blue/white)        
  Type 1: Ghosted Miguel Hidalgo graphic, blue "gto" off-centre GLY-35-59 GVM-33-39 1,565,781  
  Type 2: No graphic, multicolour "gto" centred. GVN-41-39 GWG-39-62 152,824 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Thin blue stripe base (blue/white)        
    GGA-001-A GYZ-999-A 367,632  
    GGA-001-B GTM-686-B 241,445  
  2020 Grandeza de México base (black/white)        
    GVG-297-B GYZ-999-B 85,618  
    GGA-001-C GYZ-999-C 367,632  
    GGA-001-D GYZ-999-D 367,632  
    GGA-001-E GYZ-999-E 367,632  
    GGA-001-F GRL-803-F 194,609  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 ZR 397 ZT 2,095  
  1968-69 HW 101 ID 825 7,018  
  1970-71 10-GZS 53-HDU 8,504  
  1972-73 GZA-001 GZD-901 3,898  
  1974-75 GZA 001 GZY 137 21,116  
  1976-77 GZA 001 GZS 165 15,150  
  1978-79 GZA 001 GZK 866 9,857  
  1980-81 GZA 001 HAN 264 35,229  
  1982-83 GZA 001 HAW 794 42,752  
  1984-85 GZA 001 HBG 322 52,270  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    GZA 001 HDG 937 98,839  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) GZA 1000 HFZ 9999 1,449,000  
  Type 1: Plain GZA 1000 GZE 9078 44,079  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR GZK 1904 GZN 9294 34,391  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white, red stripe)        
    GZA 1000 GZV 7142 168,143 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2003 Fort of San Diego base (black/white)        
    GZV-99-99 HAP-98-53 161,855  
  2006 Multicolour seal base (black/white)        
    GZA-10-00 GZZ-65-00 203,501 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
    HEH-27-12 HEH-79-14 5,203  
  2009 Indepedentes por Guerrero base (black/white)        
    HEJ-39-43 HFK-38-72 215,930  
  2012 Orange border base (black/white)        
    HFL-92-11 HFZ-99-99 108,789  
    HBA-46-84 HBV-70-01 164,318 End of sequence reached; backfill begins.
  2015 Second orange border base (black/white, photos in upper corners)        
    HBW-86-74 HCX-37-99 211,126  
  2017 Needlepoint base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Small green zigzag motif, black state name, "12" LL HCY-41-19 HDB-75-37 30,419 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 2: As Type 1, but Seal of Mexico LL and "T" or "F" UL GZA-001-A HDF-162-A 97,065  
  Type 3: Large red/purple zigzag motif, green state name with logo HDX-433-A HFZ-999-A 48,519  
  Type 3a GZA-001-B HFZ-999-B 160,839  
  Type 3b GZA-001-C HFZ-999-C 160,839  
  Type 3c GZA-001-D HFZ-999-D 160,839  
  Type 3d GZA-001-E HDX-355-E 112,243  
  2022 Red corners base (black/white)        
    HHY-588-E HHY-588-E 1 Conflicts with Hidalgo's allocation.
    HAA-001-F HFZ-999-F 137,862  
    GZA-001-G HFZ-999-G 160,839  
    GZA-001-H GZK-610-H 9,601  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 NA 101 NH 289 6,482  
  1968-69 IE 101 IH 674 3,271  
  1970-71 10-HGU 19-HLC 6,940  
  1972-73 HGA-001 HGR-738 14,724  
  1974-75 HGA 001 HGU 487 17,470  
  1976-77 HGA 001 HGZ 741 22,719  
  1978-79 HGA 001 HHL 135 33,102  
  1980-81 HGA 001 HHG 042 29,013  
  1982-83 HGA 001 HHP 318 36,282  
  1984-85 HGA 001 HJB 828 47,781  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    HGA 001 HMM 936 126,810  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) HGA 1000 HRZ 9999 1,863,000  
    HGA 1000 HGW 1000 171,001  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    HHA 3861 HHU 3913 153,053  
  2002 Green ripples base (black/green)        
  Type 1: White slogan HJA-60-11 HJJ-28-57 68,847  
  Type 2: Black slogan HJK-76-87 HKH-21-71 183,485  
  2006 Coat of arms base (black/white)        
    HKJ-55-73 HMF-27-36 384,164 Stickers: 2006 black/white, 2007 black/red, 2008 black/green, 2009 red?/white, 2010 red/white, 2011 unknown, 2012 red/white
  2013 Red cross base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Hidalgo head logo, wide red cross at bottom HMH-87-88 HNZ-16-12 334,825 Stickers: 2013 black/green
  Type 2: Bold H logo, red bar with no cross HPC-11-69 HPC-11-69 1 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2018 Large H base (black/white)        
    HGA-001-A HRZ-999-A 206,793  
    HGA-001-B HRZ-999-B 206,793  
    HGA-001-C HHG-709-C 29,680  
  2023 Maroon stripe base (black/white)        
    HRF-771-C HRZ-999-C 17,212  
    HGA-001-D HMJ-586-D 123,463 Watch out for interference from Guerrero in E series.
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 DA 101 FF 104 45,853  
  1968-69 IQ 101 LN 579 67,904  
  1970-71 10-HRY 23-KGF 77,234  
  1972-73 HSA-001 HTL-767 33,734  
  1974-75 HSA 001 HXG 452 121,331  
  1976-77 HSA 001 HXN 754 127,627  
  1978-79 HSA 001 HYP 165 151,014  
  1980-81 HSA 001 JCP 092 242,849  
  1982-83 HSA 001 JBR 141 220,920 JGA 320 seen w/o seal in Fronteriza colours.
  1984-85 HSA 001 JDA 069 252,816  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    HSA 001 JST 838 545,293  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) HSA 1000 LFZ 9999 12,420,000  
  Type 1: Plain HSA 1000 HUN 9901 530,902  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR HVZ 6976 HXY 1151 399,176  
  2002 Map & agave base (black/white, yellow & blue stripes)        
  Type 1: Dark map HYL-94-06 HYV-98-77 72,472  
  Type 2: Light map HZA-53-27 JHN-26-76 1,761,350  
  2011 Minerva base (black/white)        
    JHN-40-69 JNG-34-37 980,369  
  2017 Blood drop base (black/white)        
    JNL-22-12 JRR-94-47 457,236  
  2019 Cool landscape base (black/white)        
    JRV-28-24 JUE-97-04 501,881 Series suspended without exhaustion.
    HSA-001-A HUG-390-A 52,338  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 GA 101 JN 727 52,769  
  1968-69 LR 101 OF 999 60,233  
    LR1001 LS8351 16,350 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-LER 40-NKD 104,611  
  1972-73 LGA-001 LNN-275 150,125 Abbreviation changes from "ME" to "MEX."
  1974-75 LGA 001 LPS 086 175,910  
  1976-77 LGA 001 LPP 137 173,963  
  1978-79 LGA 001 LMF 016 119,896  
  1980-81 LGA 001 LSC 728 209,519  
  1982-83 LGA 001 MBS 329 428,900  
  1984-85 LGA 001 MHR 305 565,739  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    LGA 001 NFG 881 1,040,840  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) LGA 1000 PEZ 9999 14,076,000  
  Type 1: Plain LGA 1000 LHW 2215 379,216  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR LJC 3549 LJR 1000 105,452  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    LJT 9999 LPS 3689 1,019,691  
  2002 Jet base (black/white)        
  Type 1: "Avanza" logo LR LPW-15-05 MAH-38-33 1,964,329  
  Type 2: Coat of arms stickers covering graphics LL & LR MAR-69-61 MBA-69-79 81,019  
  Type 3: Coat of arms printed LL & LR MBC-64-85 MBC-64-85 1  
  Type 4: "Compromiso" logo LR MBM-93-50 MDS-14-59 442,110  
  2009 Independence heroes base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Bicentenario legend UL, "Compromiso" logo repeated MDS-25-42 MKX-39-72 1,288,431  
  Type 2: No legend UL, "En Grande" logo repeated MKY-44-22 MTP-78-50 1,380,429  
  2015 Colour landscape base (black/white)        
    MUD-15-56 NGF-92-58 2,509,703  
  2018 EDOMÉX base (black/white)        
    NGG-16-55 PEZ-99-99 4,499,345 Series exhausted. Confirm PD, PEK-PEZ.
    LGA-001-A MNG-291-A 672,618  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 VA 101 VA 101 1  
  1968-69 OG 101 OV 999 14,384  
    ZN 101 ZN 849 749 Overflow series.
  1970-71 10-PBY 49-PDV 3,910  
  1972-73 PFA-001 PGB-320 24,296  
  1974-75 PFA 001 PGR 648 37,611  
  1976-77 PFA 001 PHA 487 46,441  
  1978-79 PFA 001 PRX 739 227,512  
  1980-81 PFA 001 PNU 435 178,257  
  1982-83 PFA 001 PJG 484 75,409  
  1984-85 PFA 001 PJN 178 81,097  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    PFA 001 PNS 942 176,766  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) PFA 1000 PUZ 9999 2,691,000  
  Type 1: Plain PFA 1000 PGG 4325 264,326  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR PGK 1337 PGT 1882 63,546  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white, red stripe)        
  Type 1: Dark emblem PHG 3652 PJM 4423 252,772  
  Type 2: Light emblem PJU 8129 PKD 9445 82,317  
  2003 Horizontal rule base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Light state name PLF-47-70 PNC-76-53 389,884  
  Type 2: Bold state name PNS-34-74 PNS-34-74 1  
  2007 Monarch butterflies base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Light butterflies, green/blue logo LL PFB-63-99 PFP-68-24 108,426 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Dark butterflies, green/blue logo LL PFE-43-89 PFE-43-89 1  
  Type 1a PFH-11-09 PFP-68-24 59,716  
  Type 2a PFR-86-23 PHR-30-76 408,454  
  Type 3: Dark butterflies, black/gold logo LL PHU-18-97 PJL-27-71 144,875  
  Type 4: Dark butterflies, black/green logo LL (not confirmed)      
  2012 Crest & flag base (black/white)        
    PPG-82-02 PTF-29-04 606,703 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2016 Está en ti base (black/white)        
    PFA-001-A PGG-485-W 685,799 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
          Suffixes confirmed: ABCDEFGHJKLM PRSTUVWYZ. Counted but unconfirmed: N.
  2019 Sound wave base (black/white)        
    PGK-343-A PKY-359-A 80,936 Sequencing now same as other states. Start point of PGH, PGJ, or PGK expected.
  2022 Purple stripe base (black/white)        
    PNM-417-A PUZ-999-A 126,457  
    PGU-434-B PUZ-999-B 258,308  
    PJY-628-C PUZ-999-C 208,164  
    PGK-069-D PNE-156-D 132,955  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 RA 101 RG 763 6,057  
  1968-69 OW 101 PG 999 9,889  
    OW1001 OW2331 1,331 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-PUC 21-PWZ 5,952  
  1972-73 PVA-001 PVF-367 5,362  
  1974-75 PVA 001 PWB 798 24,774  
  1976-77 PVA 001 PWG 303 29,274  
  1978-79 PVA 001 PVZ 745 22,723  
  1980-81 PVA 001 PVR 804 14,790  
  1982-83 PVA 001 PWL 994 33,961  
  1984-85 PVA 001 PWU 295 40,255  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    PVA 001 RAS 998 130,868  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) PVA 1000 RDZ 9999 1,863,000  
    PVA 1000 PVR 9388 134,389  
  2002 Black Zapata head base (blue/white)        
    PVA-10-00 PVY-17-23 189,724 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2005 Blue Zapata head base (black/cream)        
    PVA-10-00 PVY-84-29 196,430 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2008 Palace of Cortés base (black/white)        
    PWC-13-60 PXK-17-99 270,440  
  2013 rainbow stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Barcode LL, Nueva Visión logo LR PXN-49-95 PYW-48-35 269,841  
  Type 2: Barcode LL, Visión Morelos logo LR PYY-30-98 PZE-58-42 56,745  
  Type 3: QR code UR, other graphics rearranged PZF-39-84 PZU-26-67 106,684 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 3a PVA-001-A PXM-548-A 57,491  
  2019 flowers base (black/white)        
    RAA-385-A RDZ-999-A 91,524  
    PVA-001-B RDZ-999-B 206,793  
    PVA-001-C RDZ-999-C 206,793  
    PVA-001-D PZN-920-D 104,816  
  2023 Anfitrión del Mundo base (white/black)        
    RAA-696-D RDZ-999-D 91,213  
    PVA-001-E PWY-212-E 44,168  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 101 ZW 874 ZW 774  
  1968-69 PH 101 PL 997 4,493  
  1970-71 10-RCS 10-RCS 1  
  1972-73 REA-001 RED-591 3,588  
  1974-75 REA 001 REJ 127 8,119  
  1976-77 REA 001 REM 896 11,885  
  1978-79 REA 001 REN 168 12,156  
  1980-81 REA 001 REP 414 13,401  
  1982-83 REA 001 REX 627 20,607  
  1984-85 REA 001 RFA 005 22,982  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    REA 001 REU 327 17,310  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) REA 1000 RJZ 9999 1,035,000  
  Type 1: Painted border REA 1000 REF 8395 52,396  
  Type 2: No border, graphics added in corners REK 7785 REV 4243 77,459  
  2002 Wave base (green/white)        
    REA-10-00 REE-10-00 36,001 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2004 Blue stripe base (blue/white, map LR)        
    REA-10-00 REH-90-75 71,076 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2007 Aerial photo base (black/light blue)        
    REA-10-00 RER-88-32 133,833 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2010 Riviera Nayarit base (black/light blue)        
    RDD-64-98 RDD-64-98 1 Conflicts with Morelos' allocation.
    REE-14-65 REE-92-08 7,744 Duplicates prior series.
    RET-11-64 RFJ-76-49 141,486  
  2013 Orgullo que nos une base (black/white)        
    RFK-37-64 RFZ-83-51 121,588  
  2017 Purple stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Mountain background graphic RGA-80-80 RGJ-97-02 73,623  
  Type 2: No graphic RGK-22-92 RGY-53-99 111,108  
  2021 New blue stripe base (black/white)        
    RGZ-20-97 RHB-74-50 23,354 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2022 Multicolour stripe base (brown/white)        
    REA-001-A RJZ-999-A 114,885  
    REA-001-B RED-261-B 3,258  
Nuevo León          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 KA 101 MC 453 43,505  
  1968-69 PM 101 RR 999 52,142  
    PM1001 PM4819 3,819 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-RGJ 79-RZG 33,010  
  1972-73 RHA-001 RKS-891 61,830  
    SAA-001 SAA-125 125  
  1974-75 RHA 001 RMC 921 94,827  
  1976-77 RHA 001 RNM 544 126,418  
  1978-79 RHA 001 RPB 011 138,872  
  1980-81 RHA 001 RSP 717 197,520  
  1982-83 RHA 001 RNR 236 129,107  
  1984-85 RHA 001 RUF 766 235,531  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    RHA 001 RYB 200 322,877  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) RKA 1000 TGZ 9999 9,108,000  
  Type 1: Plain RKA 1000 RMJ 4929 489,930  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    RMV 4732 RSC 1472 680,741 Stickers: 2001 white/blue
  2002 Three peak base (black/white)        
    RSD-22-09 RWH-77-91 869,583 Stickers: 2002 white/red?, 2003 black/yellow, 2004 black/green
  2005 Map base (black/white)        
    RWK-13-29 SBP-66-49 1,076,321 Stickers: 2005 black/white, 2006 white/red, 2007 white/green (fades blue)
  2008 Blue mountain base (black/white)        
    SBW-80-00 SHF-48-48 1,112,849 Stickers: 2009 white/black, 2010 red/white
  2011 Green name base (black/white)        
    SJF-10-01 STH-81-71 1,681,171 Stickers: 2012 white/green, 2013 blue/white, 2014 green/white, 2015 white/blue. Base seen used through 2017.
  2016 Black name base (black/white)       Issued to new registrants only.
  Type 1: Barcode at bottom STK-78-43 SUG-26-10 174,768 Series suspended without exhaustion. Stickers: 2016 white/blue, 2017 white/purple. Discontinued after 2017?
  Type 2: No barcode RKA-001-A SDA-527-A 391,136  
  Type 3: "Orgullo de ser del Norte" at bottom SED-084-A SWX-849-A 362,404  
  2022 Gold crest base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Large lion, narrow-spaced state name SXM-921-A SZR-098-A 48,129  
  Type 2: Small lion, wide-spaced state name TCC-945-A TGZ-999-A 111,943  
  Type 2a RKA-001-B RLL-584-B 33,551  
  Type 1a SDP-213-B SMP-665-B 184,269  
  Type 2b SXZ-953-B TAG-563-B 52,558  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 NT 101 NX 346 3,842  
  1968-69 RS 101 RY 999 6,293  
    RS1001 RS1940 940 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-TDL 83-TDU 704  
  1972-73 THA-001 THK-021 9,012  
  1974-75 THA 001 THH 671 7,664  
  1976-77 THA 001 THU 393 17,376  
  1978-79 THA 001 THX 004 19,984  
  1980-81 THA 001 THY 637 21,616  
  1982-83 THA 001 THY 057 21,036  
  1984-85 THA 001 TJB 307 24,283  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    THA 001 TKP 905 59,846  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) THA 1000 TMZ 9999 1,035,000  
    THA 1000 THK 8932 88,933  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Stylized "OAXACA" top, wide OAX MEX THL 2569 THM 3973 10,405  
  Type 2: Stripes top, narrow OAX MEX THM 7329 THR 3111 22,783  
  2001 Rock base (red/white)        
  Type 1: Dark rock, barcode centred at top THU-19-06 TJB-78-12 68,907  
  Type 2: Light rock, barcode offset right TJD-51-24 TJG-41-12 25,989  
  2005 Benito Juarez base (black/white)        
    TJJ-28-78 TKB-58-55 146,978  
  2009 Flag base (black/green, white & red)        
    TKC-22-85 TKX-26-24 162,340  
  2013 Ghosted eagle base (black/white)        
    TKX-41-62 TLM-58-90 127,729  
  2018 Rainbow blocks base (black/white)        
    TLR-21-61 TMZ-25-92 279,432 Series exhausted.
  2023 Line of people base (green/white)        
    THA-001-A THR-006-A 13,992 Issued to new registrants only. TMG-48-57 fake seen; number taken from previous series. TXX-525-A also seen; conflicts with Puebla.
          70647 plates reported
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 PA 101 PG 722 6,016  
  1968-69 RZ 101 SY 302 22,677  
  1970-71 10-TJR 36-TWN 22,617  
  1972-73 TNA-001 TPG-740 29,711  
  1974-75 TNA 001 TRH 844 53,791  
  1976-77 TNA 001 TSD 539 72,467  
  1978-79 TNA 001 TSX 648 89,559  
  1980-81 TNA 001 TPN 477 35,442  
  1982-83 TNA 001 TUD 221 118,103  
  1984-85 TNA 001 TVE 343 142,201  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    TNA 001 UAM 700 264,436  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) TNA 1000 UJZ 9999 4,140,000  
  Type 1: Plain TNA 1000 TPK 2014 289,015  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR TPW 5673 TPW 9276 3,604  
  2000 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    TRA 3004 TTM 8017 518,014  
  2006 Green border base (black/white)        
    TTN-99-99 TWT-37-71 650,773  
  2010 Hermanos Serdan base (black/white)        
    TWT-67-68 TXD-28-60 86,093  
  2011 Blue stripe base        
  Type 1: Colourblock logo, "PB 21" UL TXD-70-21 TYK-18-39 255,819  
  Type 2: Colourblock logo, QR code UL TYP-58-65 UBN-67-11 612,847 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 3: Circular logo, revised typography TNA-001-A TRM-378-A 57,321  
  2020 Red stripe base        
    TRT-167-A UJZ-999-A 397,436  
    TNA-001-B TVX-595-B 158,437  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 NN 101 NN 101 1  
  1968-69 TF 101 TK 858 5,253  
  1970-71 10-ULV 10-ULV 1  
  1972-73 UNA-001 UNA-001 1  
  1974-75 UNA 001 UNK 941 9,932  
  1976-77 UNA 001 UNJ 488 8,480  
  1978-79 UNA 001 UNR 897 14,883  
  1980-81 UNA 001 UPA 333 23,310  
  1982-83 UNA 001 UNY 834 21,813  
  1984-85 UNA 001 UNS 779 15,764  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    UKA 001 UNZ 486 91,395  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) UKA 1000 UPZ 9999 1,035,000  
    UKA 1000 UKH 1464 63,465  
    UKV 6383 UKY 1841 22,459 Series resumed after first graphic.
  1998 Coat of arms first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    UKR 5807 UKT 5378 17,572  
  1999 Aqueduct first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    ULA 2888 ULT 8170 149,283  
  2002 Purple border base (black/white)        
    UMC-45-85 UNA-33-73 187,789 Stickers: 2003 white/green, 2004 white/purple
  2005 Ghosted Q base (black/white)        
    UNE-13-11 UPG-40-88 227,778 Stickers: 2006 white/dark blue & red, 2007 white/blue & red
  2008 Blue stripe base (black/white)       Stickers: 2009 white/blue, 2010 white/red, 2011 white/green, 2012 white/green & red, 2013 red/white, 2014 white/red, 2015 white/green, 2016 black/white, 2017 white/green?
    UKA-10-00 UMN-53-76 526,377 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
    UKA-001-A UKG-113-D 140,972 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
        667,349 Suffixes confirmed: A DE K N PRS U WXYZ. Counted but unconfirmed: BC FGHJ LM T V.
  2017 Blue rectangle base (black/white)        
    UKH-050-A UPZ-999-A 107,843 Sequencing now same as other states. Start point of UKH expected.
    UKS-538-B UPZ-999-B 99,363  
    ULC-563-C UPZ-999-C 89,348  
    UKU-051-D UKU-051-D 1  
  2022 Dot pattern base (black/white)        
    UNA-877-D UPZ-999-D 45,078  
    ULX-045-E UPZ-999-E 71,884  
    UML-394-F UPZ-999-F 58,548  
    ULH-459-G UPZ-999-G 84,457  
    ULJ-004-H UPZ-999-H 83,913  
    UMA-875-J UMA-875-J 1  
Quintana Roo          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 RZ 101 RZ 101 1  
  1968-69 101 ZJ 775 ZJ 675  
  1970-71 10-AGS 21-AHE 1,092  
  1972-73 UTA-001 UTA-484 484  
  1974-75 UTA 001 UTD 319 3,316 Note: Quintana Roo achieved statehood 8 Oct 1974.
  1976-77 UTA 001 UTE 660 4,656  
  1978-79 UTA 001 UTH 274 7,267  
  1980-81 UTA 001 UTL 440 10,430  
  1982-83 UTA 001 UTJ 937 8,929  
  1984-85 UTA 001 UTU 763 17,746  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    URA 001 UTL 790 56,734  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) URA 1000 UVZ 9999 1,035,000  
    URA 1000 URS 1654 135,655  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Undated, barcode URT 3864 URT 3864 1  
  Type 2: Wide "98," no barcode USA 3828 USH 1395 60,568  
  Type 3: Narrow "98," no barcode USH 3517 USN 3164 44,648  
  Type 2a USP 2138 USP 2138 1  
  Type 3a USR 4304 USR 6116 1,813  
  2002 Tulum ruins base (black/white)        
    URS-33-28 URT-10-35 6,708  
    URX-50-46 URX-50-46 1  
    UTA-44-58 UTZ-72-86 200,829  
  2007 Green arc base (black/white)        
    UUA-17-29 UUC-54-91 21,763  
    UVB-11-85 UVY-71-73 185,989 End of sequence reached; backfill begins.
  2011 Sailfish base (black/white)        
    UUD-70-76 UUZ-88-69 172,794  
    URA-001-A USF-780-A 28,752 First state to switch to AAA-001-A format, in 2012.
    URC-119-B URS-182-B 13,051  
  2014 Tiger shark base (black/light blue)        
    USX-920-A UVZ-999-A 71,009  
    URU-348-B UVZ-999-B 97,555  
    URA-001-C UVA-640-C 92,548  
  2017 Pictogram base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Black QR code, black emblem LL UVB-444-C UVZ-999-C 21,535  
  Type 1a URA-001-D UVE-705-D 96,609  
  Type 2: Blue QR code, grey emblem LL UVW-419-D UVZ-999-D 3,578  
  Type 2a URA-001-E UVZ-999-E 114,885  
  Type 2b URA-001-F UTP-431-F 59,372  
  2020 New pictogram base (black/white, blue triangle LL)        
    UUR-067-F UVZ-999-F 31,902  
    URA-001-G UVZ-999-G 114,885  
    URA-001-H UVH-521-H 99,422  
  2023 Unidos para Transformar base (brown/white)        
    UVA-746-J UVZ-999-J 22,232  
    URA-001-K UVZ-999-K 114,885  
    URA-001-L UVZ-999-L 114,885  
    URA-001-M URH-925-M 7,918  
San Luis Potosí          
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 RM 101 RT 217 4,612  
  1968-69 TM 101 TZ 913 12,500  
  1970-71 10-USZ 73-VAE 15,004  
  1972-73 UUA-001 UUS-529 15,514  
  1974-75 UUA 001 UUZ 962 22,940  
  1976-77 UUA 001 UVG 963 29,934  
  1978-79 UUA 001 UVS 602 38,564  
  1980-81 UUA 001 UVR 998 37,961  
  1982-83 UUA 001 UWL 725 56,669  
  1984-85 UUA 001 UXV 140 87,053  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    UUA 001 UYX 473 112,361  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) UWA 1000 VEZ 9999 1,863,000  
  Type 1: Painted border UWA 1000 UWU 5010 157,011  
  Type 2: No border, SCT symbol printed UR UXE 4223 UXR 3634 89,412  
  2001 Gold map & black stripe base (black/white)        
    UXU-27-02 UYR-10-00 178,299  
  2004 Gold coat of arms base (blue/white)        
    UYT-99-99 UZY-55-70 247,572  
  2007 Teatro de la Paz base (blue/white)        
    VAB-45-54 VBP-21-08 312,555  
  2010 Red sweep base (black/white)        
    VBU-61-86 VDK-85-06 344,321  
  2013 Belleza que nace desde adentro base (black/white)        
    VDR-75-63 VEZ-99-99 281,437 Series exhausted.
    UWA-001-A UWE-410-Z 114,296 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
        395,733 Suffixes confirmed: ABCDEFG MNPR TU YZ. Counted but unconfirmed: HJKL S VWX.
  2016 Green wave base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Barcode at top UWF-288-H UWJ-433-U 79,067 Suffixes confirmed: AB EFGHJKLMNPRSTUVWXYZ. Counted but unconfirmed: CD.
  Type 2: Large QR code UR UWJ-117-W UWL-536-V 45,375 No prefixes higher than UWL seen with suffixes beyond B.
  Type 2a UWP-652-A UWS-727-A 2,074 Appears to have switched from prefix to suffix control at this point, partway through this baseplate.
  Type 3: Small QR code UR (does not break grey line) UWW-318-A VEZ-999-A 187,495  
  Type 3a UWX-624-B UYB-320-B 26,670  
  2022 Huasteca Potosina base (black/white)        
  Type 1: No map UL VAK-721-B VCE-126-B 40,365 Sequencing now same as other states. Watch high for overlap with Sinaloa.
  Type 1a UWP-243-C UWP-243-C 1 Start point of UWM, UWN, or UWP expected.
  Type 2: Map UL UXL-256-C VEZ-999-C 173,571 Suffixes confirmed: BCD
  Type 2a UYY-349-D VAS-889-D 40,501  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 SA 101 SH 114 6,307  
  1968-69 UA 101 UQ 999 15,283  
    VA3208 VA4190 983 Unstacked overflow series. May conflict with Yucatan truck.
  1970-71 10-VDJ 49-VJN 10,750  
  1972-73 VDA-001 VDA-001 1  
  1974-75 VDA 001 VDA 024 24  
  1976-77 VDA 001 VEX 120 43,077  
  1978-79 VDA 001 VFB 141 47,094  
  1980-81 VDA 001 VFL 053 55,997  
  1982-83 VDA 001 VEN 488 35,453  
  1984-85 VDA 001 VFT 975 62,913  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    VDA 001 VKF 127 142,984  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) VFA 1000 VSZ 9999 2,277,000  
  Type 1: Plain, painted border VFA 1000 VFW 2073 172,074  
  Type 2: Graphics at bottom, painted border VFY 2147 VGB 6699 31,553 VFY 7270 - VGA 6839 have condensed SIN MEX.
  Type 3: Graphics at bottom, no border, barcode added VGD 4097 VGD 8145 4,049  
  2002 Drummer base (black/green & beige)        
  Type 1: Single barcode at top VGD-93-87 VHP-75-08 295,122  
  Type 2: Second barcode added UR VHR-55-83 VHS-68-08 10,226  
  2006 Tomato base (black/white)        
    VHT-33-00 VMF-12-56 726,957  
  2012 Plain blue-letter base (blue/white)        
  Type 1: No QR code VMJ-71-57 VNJ-65-77 206,421  
  Type 2: QR code added LR VNP-27-33 VSZ-99-99 709,267  
  Type 2a VTA-10-00 VTD-70-56 33,057 Conflicts with Sonora's allocation.
  2017 Plain black-letter base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Upper legend on 1 line VFA-001-A VSZ-999-Z 252,747  
  Type 1a VTA-001-A VTN-667-A 12,655 Conflicts with Sonora's allocation.
  Type 2: Legend on 2 lines, circular "Puro Calidad" logo added VEE-353-B VEE-353-B 1 Conflicts with San Luis Potosí's allocation. May have been produced out of sequence.
  Type 1d VGB-283-B VGB-283-B 1  
  Type 2a VHL-820-B VSZ-999-B 195,984 Seen 12/19
  Type 2b VFA-001-C VFK-305-C 9,296  
  Type 3: Map added UL VGU-235-C VNA-857-C 121,502  
  2023 Plain brown-letter base (brown/white, "SINALOA" repeated at top)        
    VGT-128-D VGT-128-D 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 TA 101 UE 514 24,687  
  1968-69 UR 101 VW 797 28,566  
  1970-71 10-VWR 55-WNP 33,076  
  1972-73 VTA-001 VUZ-067 45,022  
  1974-75 VTA 001 VUV 470 41,429  
  1976-77 VTA 001 VVG 702 52,650  
  1978-79 VTA 001 VVT 194 62,132  
  1980-81 VTA 001 VVZ 179 68,111  
  1982-83 VTA 001 VWN 666 81,585  
  1984-85 VTA 001 VWN 899 81,818  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    VTA 001 VYS 375 130,245  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) VTA 1000 WKZ 9999 3,519,000  
  Type 1: Plain VTA 1000 VUB 4891 219,892  
  Type 2: No border, SCT symbol printed UR VUB 9327 VUD 6714 15,388  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    VTA 1000 VUM 8369 313,370 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2002 Blazing sun base (green/red & white)        
    VTA-10-00 VUM-75-09 312,510 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2005 Plain deer dance base (black/white)        
    VUN-20-73 VWU-96-01 466,529 Stickers: 2006 white/red, 2007 white/green
  2008 Plain red stripe base (black/white)        
    VWY-20-63 VZS-28-25 567,763 Stickers: 2009 red/white, 2010 blue/white
  2011 Ram base (black/white)        
    VZV-22-87 WCJ-55-00 534,214 Stickers: 2012 white/black, 2013 white/red
  2014 Sea & desert base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Large graphics, barcode at bottom WCL-38-48 WFM-14-46 627,599 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 2: Small graphics, QR code UR VTX-169-A VZV-800-A 136,496 Stickers: 2015 white/blue, 2016 white/pink, 2017 white/red, 2018 white/green, 2019 white/red, 2020 white/green?, 2021 white/pink
  Type 3: As Type 2, but crest added left of state name VUU-895-B VUU-895-B 1  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 SV 101 SV 101 1  
  1968-69 VZ 101 WC 724 3,321  
  1970-71 10-WYH 62-WZV 3,113  
  1972-73 WUA-001 WUA-001 1  
  1974-75 WUA 001 WUL 657 10,647  
  1976-77 WUA 001 WUN 970 12,958  
  1978-79 WUA 001 WUT 888 16,872  
  1980-81 WUA 001 WVF 529 28,501  
  1982-83 WUA 001 WUX 128 20,108  
  1984-85 WUA 001 WVK 375 32,343  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    WLA 001 WTC 360 140,220  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) WLA 1000 WWZ 9999 2,070,000  
  Type 1: Painted border WLA 1000 WLG 1000 54,001 No WM, WN, WS seen. Unclear if entire sequence was used. WL series may have actually been last in sequence.
  Type 1a WPA 1023 WPA 1023 1  
  Type 1b WRA 1256 WRA 2409 1,154  
  Type 1c WSL 1304 WSL 1304 1  
  Type 1d WTC 1258 WTC 1258 1  
  Type 1e WUE 2265 WUE 2265 1  
  Type 1f WVU 2392 WVU 2392 1  
  Type 2: As Type 1, but SCT symbol printed UR WLJ 5520 WLJ 5520 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    WLA 1000 WLH 1768 63,769 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series. No WM, WN, WR seen.
    WPA 4701 WPA 4701 1  
    WSA 1149 WSA 1149 1  
  2003 Basalt columns base (black/white)        
    WLA-10-00 WLZ-34-80 200,481 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2009 Orange wave base (black/orange)        
    WNA-76-31 WNA-76-31 1  
    WPA-36-05 WPZ-89-56 203,352  
    WRA-53-76 WRF-45-05 44,130  
  2014 Colour stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Triangular gradient in UL corner WSA-77-10 WSZ-92-66 199,557  
  Type 2: Vertical gradient left of serial WTG-12-88 WUC-61-83 175,896 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  Type 2a WLA-001-A WMG-801-A 29,772  
  2020 Flower mosaic base (black/white)        
    WTA-913-A WWZ-999-A 90,996  
    WLA-001-B WSC-862-B 117,745  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 VV 101 WP 562 16,644  
  1968-69 WE 101 XF 534 24,707  
  1970-71 10-XCA 14-XTF 29,435  
  1972-73 WXA-001 WXR-648 14,634  
  1974-75 WXA 001 WYK 141 32,109  
  1976-77 WXA 001 WZC 493 48,445  
  1978-79 WXA 001 XAG 250 75,175 Abbreviation changes from "TAM" to "TAMPS."
  1980-81 WXA 001 WZL 119 56,063  
  1982-83 WXA 001 XBE 726 96,630  
  1984-85 WXA 001 WZL 049 55,993  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    WXA 001 XEF 551 166,385  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) WXA 1000 XSZ 9999 3,933,000  
    WXA 1000 WXX 1000 180,001  
  1998 first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: "Camino Nuevo" at bottom WYB 1057 WYP 5937 112,881  
  Type 2: No legend, revised logo UL WYS 6495 WYU 6093 17,599  
  2001 Green stripe base (black/white)        
    WZA-99-99 XAK-85-67 286,569  
  2004 Coat of arms base (black/white)        
    XAT-41-05 XCG-99-82 329,878  
  2007 Brown stripe base (black/white)        
    XCJ-55-00 XEH-44-69 403,970 Map UL varies from red to gold to silver.
  2010 Green stripe & flag base (black/white)        
    XER-71-26 XGP-22-41 400,116  
  2013 Cerro del Bernal base (black/white, red butte)        
    XGT-30-66 XJP-27-54 386,689  
  2016 Third green stripe base (black/white, ornate design bottom centre)        
    XKD-47-20 XLX-54-74 360,755 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2019 Tam wave base (black/white)        
    WYG-040-A XSK-882-A 394,449 WX expected, but not seen.
  2022 Tam solid stripe base (blue/white)        
    WYJ-127-B XPD-200-B 339,734 WX expected, but not seen.
  2023 Red T base (black/white)        
    XRD-899-B XSZ-999-B 42,059  
    WYS-672-C XHB-186-C 192,322 WX expected, but not seen.
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 NJ 101 NL 970 2,668  
  1968-69 XI 101 XM 454 3,950  
  1970-71 10-YBG 55-YBG 46  
  1972-73 XTA-001 XTA-001 1  
  1974-75 XTA 001 XTG 655 6,649  
  1976-77 XTA 001 XTJ 859 8,851  
  1978-79 XTA 001 XTB 004 1,003  
  1980-81 XTA 001 XTE 473 4,469  
  1982-83 XTA 001 XTN 378 12,366  
  1984-85 XTA 001 XTY 984 21,963  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    XTA 001 XUR 537 37,500  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) XTA 1000 XXZ 9999 1,035,000  
  Type 1: Plain XTA 1000 XTE 4761 39,762  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR XTJ 4382 XTJ 4382 1  
  1999 first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    XTL 1394 XTP 5092 30,699  
  2002 Cuna de la Nacion base (green/white, yellow stripe)        
    XTA-10-00 XTL-39-37 92,938 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2006 Birdman base (black/white & blue)        
  Type 1: Gradient mountain XUA-12-79 XUL-54-83 94,205  
  Type 2: Solid mountain XUL-78-86 XUR-16-86 29,801  
  2012 Plain volcano base (black/white)        
    XVA-59-44 XVS-12-38 130,295  
  2015 Mural background base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Full mural XWA-65-73 XWW-92-15 173,643  
  Type 2: Cropped mural at top only XWW-97-47 XWW-97-47 1  
  Type 1a XWX-67-97 XWY-84-16 10,620  
  Type 2a XWZ-50-49 XXE-40-11 43,963  
  2020 500 base (black/white, red arc)        
    XTA-001-A XWW-577-A 88,489 XX expected, but not seen.
    XTA-001-B XWM-801-B 80,721 "
  2023 Una Nueva Historia base (black/white, purple stripe)        
    XVA-445-C XWS-081-C 37,599  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 YA 101 YT 820 15,104  
  1968-69 XN 101 YU 999 30,566  
    XN1001 XN2323 1,323 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-YEZ 81-YNN 15,732  
  1972-73 XWA-001 XXJ-686 31,655  
  1974-75 XWA 001 XYF 856 51,805  
  1976-77 XWA 001 XYV 177 64,113  
  1978-79 XWA 001 YUN 038 494,543  
  1980-81 XWA 001 YNJ 998 376,622  
  1982-83 XWA 001 YJR 800 290,510  
  1984-85 XWA 001 YUA 685 483,202  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    XWA 001 YTR 610 474,136  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) XYA 1000 YVZ 9999 4,347,000  
    XYA 1000 YCX 3228 1,010,229  
  1999 Dancers base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Large dies, "VER MEX" XYA 1000 YDR 6662 1,166,663 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series. Confirm YC series.
  Type 2: Small dies, "MEXICO VERACRUZ" YDS-95-83 YDZ-86-87 62,105  
  2004 Pyramid base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Dark pyramid XYA-10-00 YEK-96-71 1,331,672 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Light pyramid YET-75-29 YET-75-29 1 "Light" version may actually be fade damage.
  Type 1a YET-81-16 YFD-50-36 86,921  
  2007 Red emblem base (green/white)        
    YAE-53-33 YCS-39-32 511,600 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
          Retired early due to poor contrast and paint peeling.
  2008 Late con Fuerza base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Red border touches edge YDL-93-80 YDP-65-77 24,198  
  Type 2: Thin white border around red YEA-79-25 YGA-53-98 411,474  
  2011 Rainbow hills base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Short barcode between logos YGB-27-67 YKN-37-61 720,995  
  Type 2: Long barcode above logos YKS-67-18 YKY-83-93 55,676  
  Type 3: Short barcode with number above logos YKZ-34-77 YLF-48-31 55,355 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Grey wave base (black/white)        
    XYA-001-A YES-269-A 153,116  
  2019 Me Llena de Orgullo base (black/white)        
    YFJ-183-A YVZ-999-A 313,504 Confirm YT-YV.
    XYA-001-B YLP-856-B 289,567 Confirm XY-YF.
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 UK 101 UT 793 6,986  
  1968-69 YV 101 ZG 999 10,788  
    YV1001 YV1409 409 Unstacked overflow series.
  1970-71 10-ZHP 83-ZRD 13,664  
  1972-73 YWA-001 YWT-292 16,276  
  1974-75 YWA 001 YWY 561 21,540  
  1976-77 YWA 001 YXF 447 28,419  
  1978-79 YWA 001 YXN 759 35,724  
  1980-81 YWA 001 YXV 533 41,492  
  1982-83 YWA 001 YYF 017 50,966  
  1984-85 YWA 001 YYR 263 60,203  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    YWA 001 ZAC 894 94,800  
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) YWA 1000 ZCZ 9999 1,449,000  
  Type 1: Plain YWA 1000 YWR 2115 127,116  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR YWR 9121 YWR 9121 1  
  1998 First-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Helvetica legend YWA 1000 YWG 4289 57,290 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  Type 2: Modified Series D legend YWH 7085 YWV 4672 96,588  
  2003 Observatory base (blue/white)        
    YWA-10-00 YWX-76-69 186,670 Numbers reset, duplicating prior series.
  2006 Pyramid base (black/white, green bump)        
    YXA-10-01 YYF-48-00 255,800  
  2009 Second pyramid base (black/white, green trough)        
  Type 1: Green square logo and slogan UL YZA-12-55 ZAN-85-72 322,318  
  Type 2: Blank UL ZAP-31-74 ZAT-99-93 33,820  
  Type 3: "Y" logo and new slogan UL ZAU-10-03 ZBA-80-41 61,039 Series suspended without exhaustion.
  2017 Green stripe base (black/white)        
    YWA-001-A ZCZ-999-A 160,839  
    YWA-001-B ZCZ-999-B 160,839  
    YWA-001-C YZX-177-C 89,088  
  2020 Green name base (black/white)        
    ZBD-008-C ZCZ-999-C 42,950  
    YWA-001-D ZCZ-999-D 160,839  
    YWA-001-E ZCZ-999-E 160,839  
    YWA-001-F YYH-124-F 53,071  
  Biennial plates:        
  1966-67 ZL 101 ZZ 999 11,687  
    101 ZP 830 ZP 730 Overflow series.
  1968-69 ZH 101 ZL 896 4,392  
  1970-71 10-ZUZ 23-ZWB 2,264  
  1972-73 ZFA-001 ZFJ-816 8,808  
  1974-75 ZFA 001 ZFN 616 12,604  
  1976-77 ZFA 001 ZFP 128 13,115  
  1978-79 ZFA 001 ZGA 795 23,772  
  1980-81 ZFA 001 ZGA 287 23,264  
  1982-83 ZFA 001 ZFY 159 21,138  
  1984-85 ZFA 001 ZGF 285 28,257  
  1986 base (blue/white)        
    ZFA 001 ZGL 398 33,365  
    (ZCJ-ZEZ reportedly added to allocation in 1990, but none confirmed.)      
  1992 base (green/white)        
  (Assignment) ZDA 1000 ZHZ 9999 1,035,000  
  Type 1: Plain ZDA 1000 ZDJ 1598 72,599  
  Type 2: SCT symbol printed UR (not confirmed)   0  
  1995 Coat of arms first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
  Type 1: Red logo LR ZEA 2676 ZEA 9804 7,129  
  Type 2: No logo ZEB 5378 ZEB 7035 1,658  
  1999 Yellow stripe first-gen graphic base (green/white)        
    ZED 9999 ZEL 8533 61,535  
  2002 Beige hill base (black/white)        
    ZEM-34-43 ZET-81-24 49,682  
  2004 Beige cathedral base (green/white)        
    ZEW-95-47 ZFS-52-78 166,732  
  2008 Brown stripe base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Sans-serif "I" in Mexico ZFV-48-98 ZFY-40-85 26,188  
  Type 2: Serif "I" in Mexico ZGA-12-63 ZGT-80-67 150,805  
  2011 Flag base (black/white)        
  Type 1: Graphics on pre-applied decals (SCT logo almost touches green band) ZGU-87-89 ZHL-94-25 144,637 ZHH-19-64 has decals over leftover 2008 sheeting.
  Type 2: Pre-printed sheeting, no box around barcode ZHM-27-31 ZHX-15-17 79,787  
  Type 3: Barcode in black or blue box ZHY-51-17 ZHZ-99-99 13,883 Series exhausted.
  Type 3a ZDA-001-A ZDD-961-U 86,875 Suffix appears to advance before the other letters, unlike most other Mexican issues of this format.
  Type 2a ZDE-566-Z ZDF-008-U 17,425 Suffixes confirmed: ABCD F HJKLM PR TUVWXYZ. Counted but unconfirmed: E G N S.
  Type 3b ZDF-072-V ZDF-072-V 1  
  Type 2b ZDF-612-V ZDF-096-Y 2,482  
  Type 3b ZDF-829-Z ZDF-829-Z 1  
  Type 2b ZDG-537-A ZDH-823-Y 44,243  
  2017 skyline montage base (black/white)        
    ZDK-001-A ZHZ-999-A 105,894 Sequencing now same as other states. Start point of ZDJ or ZDK expected.
    ZDL-965-B ZHZ-999-B 103,931  
    ZDK-535-C ZFL-802-C 47,221  
  2022 mountains base (dark red/white)        
    ZFV-991-D ZGU-778-D 21,766  
    ZDU-628-E ZHY-756-E 96,033  
    ZFV-585-F ZFV-585-F 1  
Italicized figures are stated or assumed start and end points.          
Other figures ending in "1000" or "9999" are taken from early notes where I was tracking variations by prefix only.          

Last Updated on 8-24-24
By Andrew Turnbull