Lost a Whole Year » Third Eye Blind Links

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Tired of browsing around Lost A Whole Year?
Take one of these links out of here into the vast World Wide Web of Third Eye Blind.

Official sites—

Fan sites—

Related site—

My latest sorting strategy has been to group things by "freshness" (and within freshness, alphabetically): "Now" sites are currently maintained and updated (or nearly so); "OOTV" era sites were last updated between the previous year and May 2003; and "Blue" sites were last revised between May 2003 and November 1999. I've done my best to weed out links to sites that no longer exist and skip the truly awful sites that are impossible to read or navigate, or contain more dead links than live ones.

If you need to update a link, or know of a good site not listed, don't hesitate to contact me!

Valid XHTML 1.0! ©2003-09 Andrew Turnbull.
Last update June 18, 2009 with strikethroughs added in 2021.